Студопедия — Проверьте, умеете ли вы выявлять синтаксические функции слов/словосочетаний в структуре английского предложения.
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Проверьте, умеете ли вы выявлять синтаксические функции слов/словосочетаний в структуре английского предложения.

1.11. Переведите следующие словосочетания с предло­гами, где они являются указателями функции обстоятель­ства N3:

at: to move at extremely high speeds; to buy at ever lower cost

after: to develop after the invention of transistor; after the de­velopment of integrated circuits; after 1970's

before: before the publication of the paper; before the device fabrication

by: to accomplish by introducing diodes; to be introduced by 1960; the cost decreased by then to a tenth of the 1976 cost

during: to control during crystal growth

for: the electronic component for a circuit; for many purposes the size was changed; for five years; for the most part of the year

from: from the very beginning; from the experiment results; to separate semiconductor from a metal

in: advantages in size; changes in cost; in the early 1960's; in this field of developments; an important technique in semicon­ductor device fabrication; in addition to integrated circuit fabrica­tion; in terms of units; to need control in progressively thinner layers; in the presence of silicon; to be low in cost; in a year

on: the effects of reactor design and operation on these pa­rameters; to depend on the invention; on the basis of the high den­sity, on the chip

over:over the past decade, the advantage of a new concept the previous one

with: with the development of transistor; to achieve with new technology; with each technical development

within: within the period of operation; within five years


1.12. Прямое дополнение N2 —указатель неявной фор­мы сказуемого. Переведите следующие предложения:

1. Microelectronics faces many problems. 2. Mark the tem­perature increase. 3. The structural and electrical properties of films pose interesting problems. 4. The lens focuses the beam on a small spot on the object. 5. The paper presents a perspective of the system potential.


1.13. Явная форма сказуемого V1 указатель подлежа­щего N1. Переведите следующие предложения:

1. Polycrystalline semiconductor films have shown useful de­vice applications. 2. Reduced epitaxial growth temperatures have been achieved in conventional silane-in-hydrogen systems.


1.14. Наречие выполняет функцию обстоятельства N3 в структуре предложения. Переведите следующие предло­жения:

1. Early transistors were actually enormous in size. 2. Thin films are commonly deposited by evaporation. 3. Transistor per­formance was steadily improved.


1.15. Определите функцию слов/определительных блоков в данных предложениях, исходя из формулы струк­туры английского предложения:

1. Continued progress in microelectronics may depend to a significant extent on our ability to predict properties from a knowledge of the steps taken in the fabrication. 2. The intercon­nections of the integrated circuit are much more reliable than sol­der joints. 3. The primary means of cost reduction has been the development of increasingly complex circuits.


1.16. В следующих предложениях it не переводится. Объясните, почему:

1. It was possible (necessary) to increase the functions of the device. 2. It was clear (apparent) that low power consumption is of importance. 3. It was the development (appearance) of the transistor that changed the picture. 4. It is supposed (believed) that the transistor had an advantage over the best vacuum tubes. 5. It ap­pears (seems, proves) that the object of the research is significant.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-12; просмотров: 386. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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