Студопедия — I. Complete the following sentences.
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I. Complete the following sentences.


1. If one wants to borrow books from a library....

2. If you want to know the latest news....

3. I’m especially fond of the magazine "..." be­cause....

4. If a magazine comes out every month....

5. If you don’t know the pronunciation of a word....

6. I think it is very useful to consult....

7. If you don’t know what book to choose ask....

8. The books by Chukovsky are very popular with the children because....

9. The librarian advised....

10. I think that the proverb "Choose an author as you choose a friend" is....

11. The first book I read on my own was....

12. Whenever I come across (hear of) a good book....

13. In my opinion reading is....

14. The best way to master a language is....


II. Comment on the following quotations.


1. Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested. (Francis Bacon)

2. A good book is the best of friend, the same today and forever. (Martin Tupper)

3. All books are divisible into two classes, the books of the hour and the books of all time. (John Ruskin)

4. There are books to read, books to reread, and books not to read at all. (Oscar Wilde)

5. I would sooner read a time-table or a catalogue than nothing at all. ( W. Somerset Maugham)

6. Choose an author as you choose a friend. (Wentworth Dillon)

7. A man ought to readjust as inclination leads him; for what he reads as a task will do him little good. (Samuel Johnson)

8. In science, read the newest works, in literature, the oldest. (Edward Bulwer-Lytton)

III. Make questions with the words given. Ask your partner to answer your questions.

Example: (you / hear / from / George / recently?)

Have you heard from George recently?


1. (you / ever / write / a letter / to a newspaper?)

2. (you / see / Tom / in the last few days?)

3. (you / play / tennis / recently?)

4. (you / eat / at the new Italian restaurant / today?)

5. (you / see / any / good films / recently?)

6. (you / have / a holiday / this year / yet?)

7. (Gerry / ask / Diana / to marry him / yet?)

8. (it / stop / raining / yet?)

9. (you / ever / speak / to a famous person?)

10. (how many times / you / be / in love?)

11. (you / live / in this town / all your life?)

12. (you / ever / eat / caviar?)

13. (you / ever / hear / Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony?)

14. (you / ever / taste / English beer?)

IV. Complete the text. Use these verbs in the past simple or the present perfect tense.


Crash (2) do (2) be jump get not work break (2) have to not jump


Elaine risks her life almost every day. She’s a stunt woman. She does the dangerous parts in films.

“I’ ve been a stunt woman for ten years now And I suppose that in those ten years I ………. almost everything. I ………. out of windows, I ………… cars, and I ………… most of the bones in my body at least once.

But I suppose that most dangerous things that I ……. ever …… was in a film called Madness. In one scene I ……….. jump over a wall on a motorbike. Well, unfortunately, I ………. It wrong and I ……….. over the wall, I ……….. straight into it. I ……… both me legs and three fingers. I …………… with motorbikes since then.”

V. a) Think about recent news in your country. Choose six of these topics.


Education Finance Housing Police tourism Election Freedom Inflation Rights war Employment Government Law and order Standard of living


b) What’s happened recently? Write sentences about the news topics you chose. Use the Present Perfect Tense.



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