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Тести до іспиту з охорони праці.Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 595
Task 1. This is a typical curriculum vitae of a trainee lawyer with experience. Read it and analyze.
- Task 2 Insert the following words in the gaps in the text below:
1.Many people looking for work read the ……. advertised in newspapers by companies and .……. 2.To reply to an advertisement is to ……. for a job. 3. (You become a ……. or an ……. .) 4. You write an ……., or fill in the company’s ……., and send it, along with your ……. and a covering letter. 5. You often have to give the names of two people who are prepared to write ……. for you. 6. If your qualifications and abilities match the ……., you might be ……., i.e. selected to attend an ……. . Task 3 Fill in the missing prepositions
1.Thank you for your letter ___16 May. 2.We would like you to come ___ an interview ___Thursday 8 June ___11.00 a.m. 3.Could you please phone me ____ext. 214 to confirm that you will be able to attend. 4.I look forward ___hearing from you. Task 4 Fill in the missing words:
Dear Ms Cranford 1.We are pleased to inform you that you were successful in your ______ for the post of _______in this firm's civil litigation department. 2. As discussed during your interview, you will be working under the supervision of John Randal, partner _____of civil litigation. 3. You are entitled to twenty days' ______plus all public holidays. 4. There is a staff contributory ______which you will be eligible to join on successful completion of a six-month_______. 5. Four weeks' notice of termination of employment is required by both you and the partnership. 6.We enclose our standard _____of employment in duplicate and request that you read through these carefully, and, if you are happy with them, kindly sign and date both copies and return one copy to us with your______. 7.We would like you to start at 9 a.m. on Monday 20 May and _____to welcoming you to the firm. Yours sincerely Task 5 You see the following advertisement in an international newspaper
1. Send a handwritten letter of application to:
2.Write an application letter in response to the job ad published in an international newspaper. Letter plan: *put a heading; *refer to their advertisement; *give as much information about yourself as possible to show that you meet all their requirements; *state that their terms are quite acceptable to you; *say when and how you can be contacted; *close the letter.
Task 6 Answer the letter following the plan
Letter plan: · put a heading · refer to the advertisement · give as much information about yourself as possible to show that you meet all their requirements · state that their terms are quite acceptable to you · say when and how you can be contacted · close the letter