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Додаток В

Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 478

1.За то время что мы является партнерами «Роквелл Интернэшнл», наша прибыль стала такой высокой, что это кажется чуть ли не чудом. – Да, но взамен вам пришлось допустить их в процесс принятия решений. – Мы не в первый раз это делаем и это всегда приносило нам пользу. – Это может быть так, но в конце концов у вас не будет большого влияния на то, как управляется ваша собственная компания. В бизнесе не следует ничего делать до того, как ты обдумаешь, к каким последствиям это может привести. – В том что ты говоришь, есть смысл. Однако мы не можем оспаривать тот факт, что в общем и целом наше партнерство принесло нам пользу. За то время что мы являемся партнерами, компания «Роквелл Интернэшнл» предоставила нам финансовую помощь. С того времени мы получили доступ к новейшим технологиям и сократили затраты. В результате, компании, с которыми мы в настоящее время конкурируем, отстали. – Ну, я боюсь, что вы поймете, что вы сделали, только после того как все потеряете.

2.В соответствии с информацией, которая была представлена в этом месяце, некоторые исследователи утверждают, что ВНП страны значительно возрос за то время, что настоящее правительство находится у власти. Многие люди, которые были в тисках бедности 5 – 10 лет назад, за последние два года стали предпринимателями. Однако проблема безработицы пока не была решена. Поскольку большинство безработных функционально неграмотны, они никак не могут получить работу, прежде чем приобретут какие-либо профессиональные навыки. К счастью, власти уже начали субсидировать их обучение.


Simple Past Perfect

4. Look at the following examples and explain the meaning of the verb forms. See Grammar Reference (…) p. …first.

a) When the police arrived the criminal had driven away.

b) When the police arrived the criminal drove away.

c) I recognized the man at once. I had met him at Mark’s party, though he looked much younger then.

d) Polly moved away and they didn’t see much of each other.

e) I knew they hadn’t seen much of each other since Polly moved away.

f) It was clear that nobody had visited the place since we had been away.

g) You shouldn’t have left before you had cleared up the mess.

h) He made up his mind to become a professional journalist when ‘Newsweek’ accepted his article.

i) He made up his mind to become a professional journalist only when ‘Newsweek’ had accepted his article.

j) I couldn’t understand anything until I had read his letters.

k) They told her the truth as soon as they got the telegram.

l) They told her the truth as soon as they had got the telegram.


Supply the correct form of the verbs given in brackets.


1. I knew I _____________ (to flunk) the exams even before I ______________ (to receive) official results.

2. The rescue teams were sent to the jungle. The exploreres _____________ (to stop) sending radio signals a few days before and their orders _______________ (to be) to find out what ___________(to happen).

3. It was early morning when they _____________ (to land). As soon as they _______________ (to find) somewhere to leave the helicopter, they _____________ (to start) to explore the surrounding countryside.

4. Tom claimed he ______________ (not to see) Margaret since they _____________ (to be) on holiday together, and refused to answer the detective’s questions until he ______________ (to speak) to his lawyer.

5. After the police _______________ (to complete) the investigation it _______________ (to become) clear that the company manager __________ (to misuse) a lot of funds since he ___________ (to be) in office.

6. The newspapers reported that there ______________ (to be) much unrest in the capital since the election campaign ______________ (to start).

7. Peggy and Alice ______________ (to be) friends since they _____________ (to be) children. Nobody could understand why they _____________ (to fall out). The cause of the quarrel ______________ (to be) such a trifle!

8. The president was sorry his secretary ______________ (to decide) to quit. She always _______________ (to be) invaluable to him, and he just couldn’t do without her. It was clear he wouldn’t let her go until he _____________ (to find) a substitute.

9. After the newspapers ______________ (to report) the incident there ______________ (to be) much unrest in the city.

10. I knew I was late and the reporters were waiting for me but I couldn’t leave before we ________________ (to discuss) every single aspect of the deal.

11. It was the first time Tom and Maggie _________________ (to have) a serious quarrel since they __________________ (to be) married.

12. Martin was aware he __________________ (not to get) a proper job until he ________________ (to master) Microsoft Office programs to perfection.

13. The teacher felt the student __________________ (to steal) his paper from the Internet. However, he couldn’t prove it since he _______________ (not to know) where the text _____________________ (to take) from.

14. Peggy was sitting in front of the TV but she ____________________ (not to watch) it. She ________________ (to be) restless since Bob ___________ (to leave) home that morning. The phone ______________ (to ring) sharply startling her. She knew something bad _______________ (to happen) even before she _________________ (to pick it up).

15. Tom got a failing grade again. It wasn’t the first time he _______________(to catch) cheating since he _____________ (to have) access to the Internet.


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