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Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 494

Can I tackle my friend about his weight?

Dear editor,

I am becoming increasingly worried about the effect my friend’s weight (1) _______________ (to have) on his health. John is in his mid-20s and awfully obese. In the five years I (2) _________________ (to know) him, he always (3) ___________________ (to be) very large, but despite some success with diet and exercise, he (4) __________________ (to gain) even more weight in the past couple of years. I assumed he was naturally a big guy. However, I know realize that his eating is clearly out of control – his appetite seems to have no limit. Lately, he (5) _________________ (to snack) constantly on vast quantities of extremely unhealthy food and he (6) _______________ (to eat) secretly late at night.

In the past two years his overall health (7) ____________________ (to decline) gradually – he becomes breathless after walking just short distances and recently he (8) __________________ (to start) to complain of stomach pains and deteriorating eyesight. I don’t think anyone, except his close family, ever (9) ___________________ (to discuss) this with him. Others in our circle (10) _______________________ (to express) their concern in private, but none of us knows how to speak to him directly. How we (11) _______________ (to talk) to an old friend about his weight without making him feel worse about himself?

Yours faithfully,

Tina Jones


Dear Tina,

You are wondering whether it is right to ask your friend to make changes in his behaviour – that depends directly on why you (12) _______________ (to make) such a request, and the critical difference is whether you (13) _____________ (to pass judgment or to assume) responsibility. If you (14) _______________ (to pass) judgment you (15) ______________ (to be) selfish. If you judge your friend, particularly if you (16) __________________ (not to ask) to do so, you are unlikely to be acting in his best interests.

True friendship calls for acceptance, equality and understanding. Rule out simply mentioning weight – it sounds as if his family already (17) _______________ (to try) this and it (18) ___________________ (not to work). Anyone (19) __________________ (to try) talking to him about his health? You make me wonder if he already (20) _______________ (to have) a major problem. If his eyesight (21) ___________________ (to deteriorate) recently it might indicate that he (22) _________________ (to develop) diabetic retinopathy. Many people do not realize they are diabetic and some (23) __________________ (to diagnose) only after they (24) _____________ (to take) a regular eye test.

Surely, your friend already (25) ____________________ (to know) that something is wrong, and he cannot be unaware of the dangers he faces, it is more likely that he is afraid to face up to the situation. Therefore, it is well worth offering to help. Clearly, you (26) _______________ (to try) to do that for quite a time but it fell on deaf ears. He might be more likely to respond if you write down your concerns and talk to him after he (27) ______________ (to be able) to digest them.

Name and address withheld.

(From ‘The Guardian’)



Role play

You are John’s relatives and friends. Now you are having a party and discussing his problem.

Role 1. You are Tina. Relate your worries to your friends.

Your cues: John – to pick up even more weight – to eat practically non-stop for the past two weeks; you – to quarrel about it all the time; his eyesight – to deteriorate all this time and now he – to agree to take an eye test.

Role 2. You are Glen, John’s elder brother.

Your cues: John – always to be obese; he – to suffer because of it since childhood; everybody constantly – to tease him about it and to put him down; you – against interfering; he – old enough to make his own decisions.

Role 3. You are John’s friend Gordon, a psychologist. Your views coincide with the ideas expressed in the answer to Tina’s letter given above.


Vocabulary Revision

28. Revise Vocabulary 1 Unit 2, p. … and do the following multiple choice task.

1. Marge is going to be the supervisor of our department. I don’t know if she’ll cope, but our manager feels she’s the most ______ person for the job.

A. appropriate B. proper C. suitable

2. The child is too ill to be nursed at home; she needs _______ medical attention at a hospital.

A. appropriate B. proper C. suitable

3. Is Tony making ________ use of his time at work, or does he waste it doing nothing?

A. appropriate B. proper C. suitable

4. His bright clothes were not ________ for a funeral.

A. appropriate B. proper C. suitable

5. I’m snowed under with work. Let’s meet some other time. – So what time will be _______ for us to meet?

A. appropriate B. proper C. suitable

6. Max has been mixed up with drugs. He isn’t at all a _______ person for a young girl to know.

A. appropriate B. proper C. suitable

7. Don’t buy her anything expensive. A modest present would be more _____ to the occasion.

A. appropriate B. proper C. suitable

8. Good advertisement must show the products to the best _______ .

A. advantage B. benefit C. profit

9. Get this job by all means though it isn’t well paid. This experience will be a(n) _______ in your future career.

A. advantage B. benefit C. profit

10. Get out of the deal as soon as possible. It’s going to bring no _____ at all.

A. advantage B. benefit C. profit

11. This medicine will be of real ______ to you. Take it.

A. advantage B. benefit C. profit

12. James had a(n) _______ over us, he had more money.

A. advantage B. benefit C. profit

13. I feel we should quit. Why should we stay? The head of the project gets all the _______ , and we get all the hard work.

A. advantages B. benefits C. profits

14. You must be crazy to be selling your countryside estate. There is very little ______ in selling land at present.

A. advantage B. benefit C. profit

15. If you want to get on with a person you should find ________ interests.

A. common B. mutual

16. I admire your negotiating skills. – Well, our admirations is _____.

A. common B. mutual

17. The ______ good would best be served by keeping prices from rising too quickly.

A. common B. mutual

18. It is _______ knowledge among politicians that an election will soon be called.

A. common B. mutual

19. I feel it would be wise if we concluded the deal right now. – Yes, it would be to our _______ advantage.

A. common B. mutual

20. Being a public figure he will never _______ this secret marriage.

A. acknowledge B. admit C. recognize

21. Doing exercises in writing is a(n) _______ way of learning a foreign language.

A. acknowledged B. admitted C. recognized

22. Mr Steward was promoted last month, thus his long service with the company was ________ at last.

A. acknowledged B. admitted C. recognized

23. The stock market is too unstable now, so you shouldn’t buy so many shares. You yourself must ________ the danger of what you are doing.

A. acknowledge B. admit C. recognize

24. New evidence made Clarence _______ that he had forged the documents.

A. acknowledge B. admit C. recognize

25. The president ________ seeing his public relations officer with a smile.

A. acknowledged B. admitted C. recognized

26. Marge is so stubborn that she will never ______ , even to herself, that she might be wrong.

A. acknowledge B. admit C. recognize

27. If you want to succeed, you should ______ your case clearly.

A. claim B. maintain C. state

28. Jason _______ to own that car but I don’t believe him.

A. claims B. maintains C. states

29. The accused man ________ he was not to blame.

A. claimed B. maintained C. stated

30. The impeached president _______ that in spite of opposition he was still the lawful head of state.

A. claimed B. maintained C. stated

31. The defendant said he wanted to ______ that he had never seen the woman, who was the prosecutor’s main witness, before.

A. claim B. maintain C. state

32. I don’t know what we are going to do now. The committee recommended a simple plan two weeks ago, but the older members _________ it.

A. opposed B. resisted

33. It seems quite strange that Alison, being so weak, ______ your influence.

A. opposed B. resisted

34. I don’t know what’s going to happen. Father is so weak that he can’t ______ the disease any longer.

A. oppose B. resist

35. She says she will _______ their attempts to take the child away.

A. oppose B. resist

36. What can you say about the latest political developments? - Our party is going to ______ the government’s new policies.

A. oppose B. resist



Unit 4


Reading and Speaking: Health Care


Focus on Grammar:

Passive Forms


Grammar Training


1. Study Grammar Reference p. ... and analyze the followingexamples.


a. The government allocates a lot of money for health care every year. – A lot of money is allocated for health care every year.

b. Local authorities are still considering the problem. – The problem is still being considered.

c. The speaker has outlined the plan. – The plan has been outlined.

d. They picked these apples early in the morning. – These apples were picked early in the morning.

e. When the guests arrived Mary was still preparing the food. – When the guests arrived the food was still being prepared.

f. It was the first time that the authorities had done something about the problem. – It was the first time that something had been done about the problem.

g. They will transport the goods by rail. – The goods will be transported by rail.

h. You needn’t hurry. When you arrive they will still be typing your report. – When you arrive your report will still be typed.

i. Hurry up, or they’ll have sold the best things when we arrive. – Hurry up, or the best things will have been sold when we arrive.

j. The shop owner promised us a 10% discount. – We were promised a 10% discount. A 10% discount was promised to us.

k. They showed us the shortest way to the city. – We were shown the shortest way to the city. The shortest way to the city was shown to us.

l. They sent us the latest issue of ‘The Times’. – We were sent the latest issue of ‘The Times’. The latest issue of ‘The Times’ was sent to us.

m. The manager explained the problem to the customer. – The problem was explained to the customer.

n. The manager explained to the customer how to solve the problem. – It was explained to the customer how to solve the problem.

o. They described to us the layout of the house. – The layout of the house was described to us.

p. They described to us how the house was redecorated. – It was described to us how the house was redecorated.

q. Max suggested a new idea to the participants of the conference. – A new idea was suggested to the participants of the conference.

r. Max suggested that we should have a hike in the countryside. – It was suggested that we should have a hike in the countryside.


2. Change the following sentences into Passive. Give two passive constructions if possible. Do the back translation of the sentences.

1. These entrepreneurs are building a huge trade centre in the area thus they are creating job opportunities for the locals.

2. They are already recruiting personnel for the new trade centre.

3. They must stop the production of such chemicals. It is causing too much damage to the environment.

4. They gave George a discount because he was a regular customer.

5. The personnel manager gave me a hard time during the interview.

6. We couldn’t conclude the deal yesterday, as they were still estimating production costs.

7. I couldn’t find out everything since they hadn’t reached agreement yet and were still considering the issue.

8. We complained that the hotel staff were not taking proper care of us.

9. We left the hotel dissatisfied because the management had ignored our complaint.

10. They didn’t know what to do as the hotel hadn’t confirmed their reservation.

11. Local authorities haven’t allocated enough money for education and now they are subsidizing local schools from the federal budget.

12. Newspapers report that the authorities have been concealing information about the recent accident at the nuclear power station.

13. Environmentalists have been issuing calls for the investigation of the accident.

14. The police have banned the demonstration on the grounds that the situation in the city is too unstable.

15. Does everybody share your views? – I’m afraid, not. Our counterparts have taken an opposite approach to the problem.

16. They are going to close down the plant next year. – Yes, but by that time the plant will have caused too much damage to the environment.

17. I hope they will have confirmed the information by the time we release this issue of the newspaper.

18. Don’t worry. Our partners are dead sure they will have carried out the task by the end of the week.

19. When Jack applied for the job they promised him a good rate of pay.

20. The management will give a reward to the one who finds the lost documents.

21. They offer a postgraduate course to every student who graduates with honors.

22. They explained to us the consequences of our actions.

23. They explained to us that our problems stemmed from the mistake we had made in the beginning.

24. They explained to us how to take the matter in hand.

25. The dean announced to the students that their tests would be properly evaluated.

26. They haven’t announced the date of the conference to the participants yet.

27. The speaker pointed out to the reporters that such chemicals caused irreparable damage to the health of the people.

28. They pointed out the head of the delegation to me.

29. The official repeated to her the sum of the down payment for her apartment.

30. The media report repeats that the authorities have been covering up the case.

31. They suggested a master plan to the local council.

32. They suggested that we should take an opposite approach.


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