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Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 527

1. Under no circumstances the reporters ______________________ (can/reveal) information on civilian casualties in the Iraq war if it wasn’t approved by the US military.

2. Rarely you __________________ (to cross) paths with such people.

3. At no time the official ___________________ (to be) privy to internal information when he was compiling the report.

4. Not until Jason was assigned to spotlight the event he __________________ (to become) aware that journalism was a dangerous profession.

5. No sooner the president ____________________ (to give) an interview to CNN than the news was broadcast by every radio and TV station.

6. Hardly the survey _________________________ (to come) under scrutiny when the falsification came to light.

7. Hardly ever in future political parties __________________________ (to stop) trading accusations.

8. Seldom investigators __________________________ (to come) to the bottom of assassinations.

9. Never before this public figure _______________________ (to implicate) in any shady business.

10. Only after the columnist had been publicly criticized for plagiarism the editor __________________________ (to admit) he had been suspected of sloppy reporting before.

11. The opposition leader should flee the country. Only then he ___________ (to be) safe.

12. Not only the reporter _________________________ (to lift) quotes and _____________ (to concoct) scenes, but he also faked interviews.

13. The mayor didn’t look into the matter, nor he ___________________ (to assign) anybody to do it.

14. It isn’t clear why the columnist was accused of plagiarism. He didn’t concoct scenes, nor he __________________ (to falsify) anything.


7. Make the following sentences emphatic by putting adverbial expressions at the beginning of the sentences (see Grammar Reference (5) p…). Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. They won’t give you a break under any circumstances.

2. A person living in a war zone doesn’t feel safe at any time.

3. As soon as BBC reporters arrived, the minister made his statement.

4. The police had hardly tracked the suspect down when they were ordered to arrest him.

5. They not only washed their hands of the situation, but they claimed they had never heard of the deal.

6. She felt satisfied only after she laid her hands on the whole of her husband’s fortune.

7. Make an analogy between the two events. You will understand what’s going on only then.

8. The police found out who had a hand in the plot only recently.

9. They didn’t get any definite answer from the president of the country until they confronted him directly.

10. The police knew about the plot very little.

11. The president will never blame security services for overreacting to terrorist threats.

12. People seldom forgive friends who fail them.


8. Make the following sentences emphatic using the structure ‘not … nor’ (see Grammar Reference (6) p. …). Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. The reporter failed to carry out his task. He didn’t have good contacts in the country, and he didn’t make any attempt to acquire reliable sources of information.

2. Security services got a lot of disinformation, and they couldn’t rely on facts that only seemed credible.

3. So far the authorities have shown little interest in getting to the bottom of the attempted assassination of this public figure, and they haven’t taken any steps to prevent further possible attempts on his life.

4. The talks were in a deadlock. The sides couldn’t reach agreement, and they couldn’t make any new proposals to find a compromise.

5. The owner of the castle didn’t know what to do. He couldn’t afford to repair the building, and he wasn’t allowed to demolish it.


9. Translate into English. Use the active vocabulary of Unit 8 to translate the words and word combinations given in italics.

1. Ни при каких обстоятельствах они не смогут достичь политического единства с оппозицией.

2. Едва журналист добрался до сути этого политического убийства, как ему поручили выполнить другую задачу.

3. Этот политик не только был замешан в каком-то темном деле, но и был главным подозреваемым в деле об убийстве.

4. Не успел лидер оппозиции дать эксклюзивное интервью этой радиостанции, как ее заглушили.

5. Никогда раньше г-ну Джексону не давали такого громкого дела.

6. Только после того как власти внимательно разберутся в этом деле, они смогут принять решение.

7. Журналист получил выговор за небрежное изложение событий. Только тогда его коллеги осознали, что ему не следует доверять.

8. Редактор не давал репортеру никаких важных заданий, но он и не увольнял его.

9. Партии не могли найти выход из кризиса, не могли они и перестать обмениваться обвинениями.

10. Именно потери среди мирного населения в Ираке заставили США глушить новости.

11. Именно я имею доступ к внутренней информации.

12. Это твои друзья напрашиваются на неприятности.

13. Именно в 1991 году Си-эн-эн был основным источником новостей о войне в Персидском заливе.

14. Это коррумпированная политическая элита блокировала (заморозила) помощь африканским странам.


Grammar in Speech


10. Read the following article very carefully and single out all cases of emphasis you can find. See which ways of emphasizing ideasused here are appropriate only in written language and which could also be used in oral speech.


As Strikes Begin,

Lecturer Quits to Become Plumber

As universities began a week of strikes over pay yesterday, a molecular biologist announced that he was quitting his lab for a new career as a plumber.

The Association of University Teachers, the lecturers’ union, claims he is not alone: a second academic is throwing up her job to train greyhounds and a third is moving to Canada with no job arranged.

Karl Gensberg, a post-doctoral researcher who has had short-term contracts at the University of Birmingham, will begin his new career in the summer after completing a plumbing course at Sutton Coldfield College. “I was chatting to the plumber who came to fit my new boiler,” he said. “He remarked that, because I had a PhD, I must be earning lots of money. I had my pay slip on me and when I showed it to him, he said, ‘I earn twice that.’” Dr Gensberg, 41, has had a 13-year academic career and earns £23,000 a year.

“I expect that when I’m fully qualified as a plumber I will be earning much more,” he added. “But I won’t have to figure out how to find funding, nor will I have to face a wall of bureaucracy.” His present contract ends in April and Dr Gensberg says the university has emailed him to ask if he would return to the campus to do plumbing work. “By this time, I was hoping I would have had a permanent contract. Without that, you cannot do your own research because it is almost impossible to raise funding.” If he could have found research money, Dr Gensberg would have explored his interest in electro-magnetic fields and their effects on human cells.

Wendy Richards, a lecturer in industrial relations who earns about £34,000 a year, is quitting the University of Keele after 16 years for a new life in Canada. “I have had enough of a 50-hour week and weekend working. My frustration has been building up over the last three or four years because the workload has got so much heavier. I like running my course but what I hate is bureaucracy.”

An academic working in the social science department of a northern university said she intended to rear racing greyhounds. “They say the only way to make a fortune in greyhound breeding is to start with a fortune. But the only way to make a fortune as an academic is to leave.” She added that she could end up earning a vice-chancellor’s salary.

“Some of our members are so desperate to escape that they are giving up higher education and going to work in fields which are completely unrelated and which do not have the same social standard,” said an AUT spokesman.

(From ‘The Guardian’, abridged)


Role play. You have been invited to the Association of University Teachers to discuss the situation at British universities. Now you are taking part in a preliminary discussion in the office of the head of the Association. While getting ready to play your roles think how to make your speech more emphatic. (It would be better if you wrote down some of the sentences you could use in your presentation in class.)

Role 1. You are Robert(a) Kliff, head of the Association of University Teachers. Introduce the participants of the meeting and explain why each of them has been invited. Emphasize the gravity of the financial situation at British universities.

Role 2. You are Mr (Ms) Clydon, a representative of the education minister. You are greatly concerned about the situation at British higher educational institutions. Your task is to find ways to stop braindrain from the UK. Talk to the participants of the meeting and try to persuade them to give up the idea of changing a career.

Role 3. You are Karl Gensberg, a post-doctoral researcher. Describe your situation to the participants of the meeting stressing the significance of your research. (It could be of vital importance for cancer research, by the way.) Remember that you feel quite sore.

Role 4. You are Wendy Richards, PhD, a lecturer in industrial relations at the University of Keele. You are a single mother with two children. You are moving to Canada as you don’t see how you could raise two children in Britain earning £34,000 a year.



Reading and Speaking 1


Pre-reading task

Discuss the following questions in brief.


1. Do you think Europeans still believe in God? Do they go to church?

2. Do you think the number of believers is declining or increasing at present?

3. What layers of the population in Europe are more religious?


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