Головна сторінка Випадкова сторінка КАТЕГОРІЇ: АвтомобіліБіологіяБудівництвоВідпочинок і туризмГеографіяДім і садЕкологіяЕкономікаЕлектронікаІноземні мовиІнформатикаІншеІсторіяКультураЛітератураМатематикаМедицинаМеталлургіяМеханікаОсвітаОхорона праціПедагогікаПолітикаПравоПсихологіяРелігіяСоціологіяСпортФізикаФілософіяФінансиХімія |
ОСНОВНІ ЕЛЕМЕНТИ ЗВІТУ ЗВЕДЕНОЇ ТАБЛИЦІДата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 603
E.g. It’s possible that Jane was right. - Jane might have been right. 1. It’s possible that the president will give this famous reporter an exclusive interview. 2. Our best staff reporters are nowhere to be reached. – It’s possible that they are carrying out some high-profile assignment somewhere. 3. It’s possible that some of our reporters will be assigned to cover the events in the Middle East. 4. Perhaps the editor is thinking of giving Kate Adams the sack. She isn’t meticulous enough. 5. Is it possible that Kate will be accused of plagiarism if she lifts quotes again? – Yes, naturally. 6. The information you are going to include in this report is dubious. Perhaps it isn’t even true. It is possible that the editor won’t allow you to say such things on the air. 7. The latest report on the corrupt political elite was quite a revelation. Is it possible that they will do something in retaliation for it? 8. Where did your reporters get the figures on civilian casualties during the latest military conflict? – Perhaps there was a leak of information at the Department of Defence. 9. Why did the head of the company have to resign? – Nobody knows anything for sure, but it is quite possible that he has been implicated in some shady business. 10. Michael’s work will probably come under the scrutiny of the editorial board. Perhaps he will be accused of sloppy reporting. – That’s ridiculous. Michael is quite meticulous. It is impossible that he should have fabricated anything. 11. Maggie is going to the Middle East. – Oh, no! It’s impossible that she should have been assigned to carry out such a dangerous task. 12. Eric is going to make a program about the breakdown in the rule of law in Haiti. Is it possible that he has found out something about the corrupt political elite? – Yes, I’m sure he is privy to some confidential information. 13. Have you read Blair’s latest article? It’s impossible that all those things should have happened. I’m quite certain he has concocted some scenes. 14. If we publish this information the situation in the conflict area won’t look good. – Well, in all likelihood, our editors are looking for trouble. 15. The theft at the art museum has been investigated. Everybody is certain that the police have got to the bottom of it. It’s possible that they will soon arrest the prime suspect. – I doubt it. I’m absolutely confident that he has fled the country. 16. The situation in the country remains tense. Everybody is sure that the ruling party hasn’t reached any political accord with the opposition. 17. These two companies are going to have a serious conflict over new markets. – Yes, I’m quite confident they are going to trade accusations soon. 18. What is written in this article is plagiarism. I’ve seen practically the same material in the ‘Times’. Is it possible that the editor didn’t notice it? 19. It was clear from the start who the assassin was. It’s impossible that the police didn’t get to the bottom of the case. 20. There is no news about the conflict in today’s paper. Is it possible that our reporter didn’t get any information about it? – Well, I don’t believe that he didn’t carry out his assignment. I’m positive something went wrong.
Translate into English. Use the active vocabulary of Unit 8 to translate the words and word combinations given in italics. Use modal verbs to express different degrees of probability.
Ты знаешь, что Кейт Флетчер собирается написать статью о коррумпированной политической элите в стране? – Ты, должно быть, шутишь. Не может быть, чтобы ее назначили выполнять такую задачу, она не является нашим штатным корреспондентом. Кроме того, неужели она согласилась на это? Должно быть, это весьма опасно. – Но Кейт как раз тот человек, который напрашивается на неприятности. Ты помнишь ее поездку в Палестину? Ее могли там убить. Я думаю, она может о себе позаботиться, и карьера, должно быть, очень важна для нее. Если она выполнит эту задачу хорошо, она, может быть, станет знаменитостью. Более того, не может быть, чтобы она не разобралась в этом деле до того, как взяла на себя эту задачу. Где-то, возможно, была утечка информации, и она, может быть, посвящена во что-то. – Да, возможно, это правда. Может быть, она поговорила с каким-нибудь высокопоставленным человеком, и он, вероятно, не воспринял ее серьезно, потому что она выглядит такой хрупкой и невинной. Он, может быть, не осознал, что говорит с репортером, который, возможно, опасен. – Да, но может быть, есть и другая версия. Возможно, она установила контакт с каким-нибудь членом оппозиции, а он, вероятно, стремился сделать что-нибудь скверное правящей партии в отместку за что-нибудь. Такой человек мог бы рассказать ей много интересного. Если это было так, Кейт не могла не получить все факты, о которых стоит упоминать. Ты, должно быть, знаешь, что у нее дар заставлять людей говорить. А редактор не мог не вспомнить это, когда давал Кейт эту задачу. Так что ты понимаешь, что ее статья, может быть, окажется очень интересной, особенно сейчас, когда ходят слухи, что некоторые видные члены правящей партии, возможно, были замешаны в каких-то темных делах, когда начинали свою политическую карьеру. – Ну, эти слухи, может быть, верны, но Кейт, конечно же, не добралась до сути этого. И даже если она и выяснила что-то, она не опубликует этот материал. Не может быть, что она настолько смелая (или глупая). Кроме того, наш редактор вряд ли позволит ей это сделать. – Позиция редактора в этом случае не вполне ясна. Как ты думаешь, возможно, что он начал это расследование сам? – Нет, не может быть, чтобы он это сделал. Кто-то, конечно же, приказал это. – Я тоже так думаю.
4. Study Grammar Reference p … and analyze the following examples. Point out the difference in meaning if the tenses in reported statements are changed or not changed.
2. The witness said: “I saw the burglar when he was getting out of the house.” The witness said he saw the burglar when he was getting out of the house. 3. He said: “I did such things before, when I was younger and didn’t know what it could lead to.” He said he had done such things before, when he was younger and didn’t know what it could lead to. 4. She said: “I have traveled a lot since I retired.” She said she had traveled a lot since she retired. 5. The report said: “The economic situation in the country will not change in the near future.” a) The report said the economic situation in the country will not change in the near future. b) The report said the economic situation in the country would not change in the near future. 6. The manager said: “A few employees might be made redundant next month.” The manager said that a few employees might be made redundant next month. 7. Martin said: “You needn’t worry because I’ll take care of everything.” Martin said that I needn’t worry because he would take care of everything. 8. She said: “I can’t leave as I must catch up on my work.” She said she couldn’t leave as she must catch up on her work. 9. He said: “If I knew what to do I would help you.” He said if he knew what to do he would help me.
5. Study Grammar Reference p. and change the following excepts from ‘The Guardian’ into reported speech. Remember that there may be more than one possibility.
1. Bolivia’s capital was yesterday under siege as protesters from across the country marched towards La Paz. Angry Bolivians said: “A decade of privatizations and pro-US policies, advocated by the International Monetary Fund, have increased poverty in a country where more than 80% live below the poverty line.” 2. “This is a socialist rebellion against an economic model that has not brought the expected results,” said Alvaro Garcia, a sociologist at the La Paz university. He went on to say: “During the past few days the government has split and there are signs that the president may be losing the confidence of the armed forces.” 3. Last month 2,000 opposition leaders in Bolivia began a hunger strike over the government’s proposal to export gas. They said: “The plan will allow foreigners to plunder Bolivia’s natural resources at the expense of the country’s poor – a pattern that has been repeated ever since the Spanish conquistadors forced the Indians to dig silver from the mines of Potosi.” 4. A French government source told the ‘Guardian’: “Muslim headscarves and other religious symbols are almost certain to be banned from French schools and public buildings after a specially appointed commission told the government yesterday that legislation was needed to defend the secular nature of the state.” 5. He also said: “The commission is headed by the national ombudsman, Bernard Stasi, and has been studying the issue of the secular nature of the state since the president appointed this 20-member group six months ago. The report compiled by the commission recommends that all conspicuous signs of religious belief should be outlawed in state-approved schools. It also recommends that the laws should include a clause requiring the strict neutrality of all public service employees.” 6. A member of the groups said: “Some Muslim women have repeatedly been insisting on their husbands accompanying them at all times in hospital and accepting only female doctors.” The report said: “The legislation must remind all health service users that it is forbidden to reject a healthcare worker, and that the rules of hygiene must be respected.” 7. In a gesture of respect to “all spiritual options”, however, the report said: “The Jewish and Muslim holy days should be made official school holidays, and companies should consider ways of allowing employees to take off the religious holiday of their choice.” 8. A member of the commission said: “In France, where secularism is a constitutional guarantee and everyone is supposed to be equally French regardless of ethnic or religious differences, the issue has dominated media, public and political debate since the commission started its work.” He added: “The origin of the debate which has split French society along unfamiliar lines, is considered to be the radicalization of French Islam.” 9. Sir Peter Burt, the newly appointed chairman of ITV, yesterday gave a vote of confidence to chief executive Charles Allen. He said: “I would not have accepted the post if I thought Mr Allen was the wrong man to lead ITV.” He continued: “I would not have taken the job if I was not satisfied that Charles and I could work together and Charles had the skills and experience to do a good job.” 10. Sir Peter said: “Share holders got what they wanted when they ousted chairman Michael Green in October last year in an unprecedented display of activism.” 11. Seventeen-year-old Bassan Zaharan was suspected of wounding an Israeli soldier with a knife. A spokesman said: “If convicted, he could have been jailed for up to 10 years, but Israeli forces shot him dead before he could be put to trial.” 12. Describing the incident, the army said: “The attacker escaped but was pursued by Israeli forces. The force opened fire toward the assailant and killed him.” 13. Bassim Eid of the Palestinian Human Rights Monitoring Group said: “Any Palestinian who tries to approach an Israeli checkpoint is regarded with suspicion. According to their regulations, if a person tried to escape they should shoot in the air and then shoot at his legs. The penalty for a knife attack would depend on the severity of the injury, but the most serious charge – attempting to kill – would normally result in a seven-to-10-year sentence.” 14. The Israeli human rights organization B’Tselem said: “We will be investigating the incident. The rules of self-defence authorize soldiers to shoot to kill during an attack, but not if the assailant is running away.” 15. Yesterday, human rights organizations questioned: “Did Israeli troops follow their own regulations in dealing with the incident?” However, an Israeli army spokesman said: “The teenager threatened the soldiers with a knife when he was tracked down and they shot him in self-defence.” 16. There was another similar incident. Witnesses said: “A boy, aged 10, was critically wounded in the head by two rounds fired from an Israeli tank in the Rafah area in southern Gaza.” They said: “The boy was shot in the street where he lived as he left home for a private lesson.”