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B) The membranes and compartments of mitochondria.

Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 1570

b) The membranes and compartments of mitochondria.



Fig.7-2A gallery of mitochondrial types,

(a) A large, spherical mitochondrion from the adrenal cortex of the rat, with cristae in the form of tubes or vesicles. The matrix is conspicuously granular, x 35,000. Courtesy of D. S. Friend,

(b) An isolated, partially spread mitochondrion from the protistan Euplotes. This mitochondrion, which was released from a cell disrupted on a water-air interface, contains tubular cristae typical of many ciliate protists. The outer membrane (arrows) has been lost except at a few locations, x 29,000. Photograph by the author,


(c) Mitochondrion from the sphincter muscle of the crayfish vas deferens. The cristae in this mitochondrial type take on a triangular profile, x 91,000. Courtesy of M. A. Cahill, from J. Cell Biol. 74 : 326 (1977), by copyright permission of the Rockefeller University Press,

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Пример контрольных работ, которые мы пишем в классе. | B) In the second part (shaded), the high-energy derivatives of glucose are oxidized and split into pyruvic acid. The second part yields re­duced NAD and a net gain in ATP.
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