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Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 390

Location and periodization. The tomb as a permanent dwelling for the afterlife. Necropolis – Cities of the dead. Mastaba, Serdab and Chapel. Stepped pyramid of King Zoser by Imhotep. The pyramid at Medun and two pyramids built by Snefru at Dashur. Complex of Pyramids at Giza (of Cheops, Chefren and Mikerin).


  English Kazakh Russian
Pylon Пилон Пилон
The wide entrance gateway of an Egyptian temple, characterized by sloping walls
Mastaba Мастаба Мастаба
A bench-like structure over graves
Serdab Сердаб Сердаб
A burial chamber of mastaba
Imhotep Имхотеп Имхотеп
The priest for Zoser, founder of Egyptian medicine, first recorded architect in history, an Astromoner
Senmut Сенмут Сенмут
The architect of Queen Hatshepsut ‘s mortuary temple
Windows were place to allow light to enter, in between the two roofs
Hypostyle Гипостиль Гипостиль
Multi-columned hall
Egyptian hall Мысыр ханасы Египетский зал
A hall with an internal peristyle (in West Europe architecture)

Independent work of the Student

According tasks student preparing 2 video-presentations (using basic, digital references)


Drawing of architectural monument # 1, 2, 3, 4 (plan, section and facades, taking from basic, digital issues).

List of references


4. Fletcher B. History of Architecture. – NY, 2010.

5. Francis D.K. Ching, Mark M. Jarzombek, Vikram Prakash. A global history of architecture. 2nd edition. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley, 2011.

6. Moffett M., Fazio M., Wodehouse L. A World history of Architecture. – 2003.


6. Curl, James Stevens, A dictionary of architecture and landscape architecture. 2nd edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006.

7. Petersen, Andrew, Dictionary of Islamic architecture. London: Routledge, 1996.

8. Arnold, Dieter, The encyclopaedia of Ancient Egyptian architecture. London: I.B. Tauris, c2003.

9. Watkin, David, A history of Western architecture. 3rd ed. New York; London: Watson-Guptill Publications, 2000.

10. Ross, L., Art and architecture of the world's religions. Santa Barbara, Calif.: Greenwood Press, 2009.

Digital issues

4. http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/153975.Banister_Fletcher_s_a_History_of_Architecture

5. http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/book/browse?type=lcsubc&key=Architecture%20--%20History

6. http://www.bdonline.co.uk/the-10-books-every-architecture-student-should-read/5060070.article


International Educational Corporation Hands-Out
«History of the World Architecture 1»DA 3credits 3d term Lecture3 « Ancient Egyptian Architecture (Middle and New Kingdoms, Greek-Roman period, 1,600-330 BC).»2015-2016 Associated professorGlaudinova M.B.


The practice of pyramid construction disappeared. Two categories of structures - mortuary temples and underground tombs. Two mortuary temples at Deyr-al-Bahari: mortuary temple of Mentuhotep and Hatshepsut. Two types of Underground tombs were built by pharaohs and nobles during the Middle and New Kingdom periods- Rock cut tombs and Shaft tombs. Thebes – capital of the New Kingdom. The New Kingdom temples: at Karnak and Luxor, Ramesseum, Abu-Simbel.


  English Kazakh Russian
Faience Фаянс Фаянс
An Egyptian blue-green self-glazing ceramic
Canon Канун Канон
A standard for Egyptian sculpture/painting that created a unified style
Post + lintel   Стоечно-балочная система
A system of construction in which two posts support a horizontal beam
Obelisk Обелиск Обелиск
Tall, narrow, four-sided, tapering monument that ends with a pyramid top
Sphinx Сфинкс Сфинкс
A mythological Egyptian beast with the body of a lion and head of a human
52 degrees 52 градус 52 градуса
A true pyramid has an incline angle of
Impost Импост Импост
A projecting structure from the wall to take the end of an arch often built into the wall horizontally

Independent work of the Student

According tasks student preparing 2 video-presentations (using basic, digital references)


Drawing of architectural monument # 1, 2, 3, 4 (plan, section and facades, taking from basic, digital issues).

List of references


7. Fletcher B. History of Architecture. – NY, 2010.

8. Francis D.K. Ching, Mark M. Jarzombek, Vikram Prakash. A global history of architecture. 2nd edition. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley, 2011.

9. Moffett M., Fazio M., Wodehouse L. A World history of Architecture. – 2003.

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