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Пристрої введення

Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 638

1. Give food to (4)

2. Type of beer (5)

3. Grilled bread (5)

4. Strong alcohol distilled from wine (6)

5. Example of 8 across (5)

8. The white part of meat (3)

9. Not suitable: «This meat is _____ for human consumptions (5)

11. An item used in a recipe (10)

12. Evening meal (6)

13. Times when groups of people eat together in a restaurant: «The first _____ is at one o'clock.** (7)

14. Would you like tea or_____?(6)

17. North American whisky (3)

19. Liquid inside vegetables or fruit (5)

22. Past tense of 1 down (3)

XI. Cooking verbs.

Match the verbs on the left with the definitions on the right.


bake blanch braise caramelize carve chill cream deep-fry dice 10. flam be 11. flavour 12. fricasse 13. fry 14. garnish 15. grate 16. grill 17. grind 18. liquidise 19. marinade 20. parboil 21. poach 22. roast 23. saute 24. slice 25. steam 26. stuff a) to cook food on or under a direct flame; b) to shred into very small pieces, using a rough metai tool; c) to decorate; d) to cook in oil or in fat in a shallow pan; e) to pass food through a machine which reduces it to powder or pulp; f) to reduce fruit / vegetables to liquid; g) to fry in a little fat at a lower temperaiure; h) to cook over a fire or in oven with oil or fat; i) to cook eggs (without their shells) or fish in gently boiling water; j) to half-cook in boiling water; k) to cook in an oven; l) to stew meat (usually chicken) with vegetables in a little water, which is then used to make a rich white sauce; m) to cut meat and poultry up at the table or in the kitchen for service to the table; n) to heat sugar until it becomes brown; o) to cook (meat or vegetables) in a covered pot with very little liquid; p) to cook for a short time in boiling water; q) to make cold; r) to mix ingredients together until they form a smooth mixture; s) to add spices and seasoning; t) to pour brandy or other alcohol over food and set it alight; u) to cut food into small cubes; v) to cook food in a deep pan of boiling oil or fat; w) to cut into large, thin pieces; x) to cook over a pan of boiling water by allow­ing the steam to pass through holes in a con­tainer with food in it; y) to put breadcrumbs, chopped meat, etc. inside meat or vegetables and cook and serve them together; z) to leave in a mixture of, for example, wine and herbs for some time before cooking.


XII. French in the language of the restaurant.


English uses a lot of trench words in the language of the restaurant.

Complete the sentences using the words and phrases in the box. If necessary, find out what they mean.

a) a la carte h) cordon bleu o) plat du jour
b) a la mode i) de luxe p) plongeur
c) bouquet garni j) digestif r) saute
d) brut k) en pension s) sou peon
e) chambre I) hors-d'oeuvre t) table d'hote
f) chateau m) maitre d'hotel u) traiteur
g) chef de cuisine n) nouvelle cuisine w) vinaigrette


1. I like champagne, but this one is rather sweet for me. I prefer ____________ .

2. I'm glad you enjoyed the meal. Would you like a ______________?

3. Here's the menu. We also have a ______________ which is mackerel in white wine with spring onions.

4. My first job in the kitchen was as a________________. Nowadays we have a dishwashing machine.

5. We serve the salad with a simple ____________________ .

6. I usually have the set menu, but this is a special occasion, let's go __________.

7. I love apple pie ________________ — it's the combination of hot and cold that I find irresistible.

8. This is an excellent red, bottled on the ________________.

9. The restaurant has improved enormously since Larry Duval be­came the _____ .

10. We're investing a lot of money to create a restaurant which of­fers a genuinely ___________________ service.

11. Add some ground chilli, but not too much. Just a ______

12. Red wine should normally be served ______.

13. If you want to have dinner in the hotel we have a special _____ price which is very economical.

14. We _______________ the mushrooms in butter with garlic and black pepper.

15. A real _____________ chef can make very good money in London.

16. There's the _______________ which is a set price of £ 18.90 for three courses.

17. They complained to the ______________about the service they had received.

18. We use a ________________to flavour the soup.

19. I'm not crazy about ___ I'm usually still hungry after I finish dinner.

20. While we were looking at the menu we were served Atlantic prawns with mayonnaise and an endive salad as an _________________.

21. Almost everything is prepared in our own kitchen except that we use a ___________________ for patisserie.

<== предыдущая лекция | следующая лекция ==>
Монітор та відеокарта | Chapter 1
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | <== 7 ==> |
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