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Головна сторінка Випадкова сторінка


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Дата добавления: 2015-10-12; просмотров: 599

I. Transcribe the following words and practice them for pronunciation:

potential, species, trait, to contend, to nurture , to mature, creature,

sociability, survival, distinct, to mould, community, consequence

II. Form adjectives from the following verbs by means of the suffix ■able. Translate the adjectives into Russian.

to adjust, to drink, to digest, to depend, to excite, to move, to laugh, to notice

III. Translate the following sentences and word combinations from Eng­lish into Russian. (The exercise is to be done orally):

rate of growth; rate of development; rate of ageing; at the rate of 7 presentations per ten minutes;

heredity is one of the factors that determine our growth and devel­opment; to pay attention to heredity; to investigate the problem of heredity;

progressive maturation of structures; maturation of the nervous system; the individual reaches biological maturity between the age of 15 and 25; as a science matures its theories become more complex;

sometimes adults can't understand children; five adults were cho­sen for the tests; difficult adulthood;

he aged very quickly; what's his age?; at the age of seven he went to school; ageing is a very unpleasant period of life for many people;

I am not concerned with the problem; the investigator was con­cerned with the behaviour of his subjects ; concerning the problem of heredity our views differ; many interesting results have been received concerning the stage of ageing; we shall be concerned with the more traditional view of psychophysics;

grown-ups and adolescents; the rate of growth during adolescence; adolescence is a very important stage of development; adolescents often have conflicts with their parents;

a group of teenagers; the problem of teenagers; sometimes teenag­ers cause much trouble to their parents and teachers;

a youth movement; a youth organization; youngsters tend to group together; a youngster stopped me in the street;

to measure one's height and weight; to grow in height and weight; they are of the same height;

infancy period; he was a healthy infant; the infant fell asleep at once.

IV. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English using the active vocabulary:

1. За последнее время наблюдается акселерация темпов роста и развития у детей. 2. Умственные способности изменяются с воз­растом с одинаковой скоростью у мужчин и женщин. 3. Новый shall start the experiment at once. 3. Unless the acquired reflex is rein­forced occasionally, it will diminish. 4. If the conditioned stimulus is under the control of the subject himself, he can regulate it.

IX. Translate the following conditional sentences without conjunctions and make the necessary changes by inserting if:

1. 83 per cent of the subjects felt that their performance would have been different had they been by themselves rather than with a group.

2. Had we analyzed the results of the experiment in time we should have taken another course in our studies. 5. Had they any experimental ani­mals at their disposal at the moment they could start the research with­out any delay. 4. I am sure that the problem would have been solved had not only psychologists but physicists as well investigated it.

X. Define the functions of should in the following sentences:

1. The subjects were told that they should write as many responses as possible. 2. If we had at least two experimental animals we should start the investigation at once. 3. The teacher asked me when I should be ready with a report about visual perception. 4. You should consult the doctor once a year. 5. An experienced investigator suggested that our data should be tested once more. 6. The congress recommended that the research in this field should be expanded. 7. It should be noted that we are also building up instrumental responses during these periods of experimentation. 8. Although most of these measurements have not been made in psychological laboratories, they form an important part of what the experimental psychologist should know about vision . 9. Without explaining anything to the woman the doctor recom­mended that she should stay at home for a few days. 10. They should try to develop methods which may advance their knowledge.

XI. Define the functions of would in the following sentences:

1. The lecturer informed the audience that an expedition to study the culture and habits of some African tribes would be sent to the Congo the following spring. 2. Life, as we know it today, would be impossible if man — and other animals — were unable to «benefit by experience». 3. If we did not know the special history of these animals, we would find their behaviour abnormal. 4. Positive trans­fer must necessarily occur more often than negative transfer, or it would not be true that maturity brings wisdom. 5. In Lott's study it would be almost impossible to reproduce the observed behaviour in laboratory conditions. 6. This book would not have been possible without the cooperation of a great number of people. 7. It would be


difficult to test the accuracy of this explanation. 8, Pavlov found that when a dog had been conditioned to a musical sound other tones would produce the same effect though to a lesser degree. 9. Early this century the Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov who was carrying out research on the digestive processes observed that dogs would salivate before food was presented. 10. The speaker said that he would continue his experiments on chimpanzees. 11. I would gladly act as a subject for you. 12. Presumably in such an operation the subject would take very little time to recognize an object 13. We have developed a hypothesis that explains and predicts the apparent regularity of eye movement. The eye would tend to move from fea­ture to feature in a fixed order, scanning the picture.

XII. Answer the following questions based on the text:

1. What are the two main influences that affect our development?

2. What does heredity determine?

3. What views do scientists have concerning heredity?

4. What are the early years of children concerned with?

5. Does the human infant differ greatly from other infant creatures during the very first weeks after birth?

6. What human characteristics are not seen in human infants at the very first stage of their development ?

7. What facts can prove that within a few weeks after birth an infant is ab­solutely helpless?

8. What can a child do by 6 months?

9. When does the child begin to crawl and walk?

10. In what way is speech developed?

11. What changes occur during adolescence?

12. What is the cause of conflict between the adolescent, his parents and society?

13. Who enters adolescence earlier, boys or girls?

14. At what age do boys (girls) enter adolescence?

15. Why is adolescence often described as «the awkward age»?

16. Why do teenagers tend to group together?

XIII. Translate the following text in written form. Look up unfamiliar words in a dictionary:

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