Студопедия — Three job ads have their sentences mixed up. Reconstruct the original ads
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Three job ads have their sentences mixed up. Reconstruct the original ads

1.Summit Polymers, a supplier to the automotive industry, currently has an opportunity for a Human Resources Coordinator. A relevant degree is required, and at least three years experience within a mainstream financial environment. Large international organization seeks experienced export area manager to expand in Russia.

2. Russian speaking export manager, London, salary up to 25k+car.The successful candidate will have a broad economic background and a particular interest in European financial markets and economies, with an emphasis on the UK and Germany. Duties include daily communication with manufacturing, maintaining employment records, and responding to unemployment claims.

3.The Economic Research Department of Mitsubishi Bank invites applications for the post of Economist to work within a small professional team based in the City of London. Fluent Russian and previous experience in export sales important. This position is responsible for recruiting, testing and interviewing hourly personnel at Summit’s East Plant. Strong computer skills are a must.


Exercise 11

Read through the job ads and make a list of all the words and expressions used to describe:

1. The job requirements

2. The job responsibilities

3. The benefits offered by the job



Western Michigan University's Public Safety Department is seeking a Police Officer to ensure the safety of our university community. Duties include traffic enforcement, event security, initial investigation of complaints and related documentation. Knowledge of criminal laws, vehicle codebooks and statutes is required. Must have one year Michigan residency. We offer a competitive salary plus excellent benefits including paid retirement, health insurance, paid vacation and tuition discount for employee and spouse/dependent (s). Drug screen and background check required.

Please apply by May 29, 2008. Applications may be obtained by calling

(616) 387-3620.




Car Temps USA, a rapidly growing company, is looking for an individual to enter our Kalamazoo based management training program. The candidate must possess the following: good communication skills, high energy level, good driving record, drive and desire to be a winner. A college degree is preferred. For the person we select we are pleased to offer a competitive base salary and excellent health benefits.

As a Branch manager you can look forward to the following:

-Income potential in excess of $40, 000 annually

-Company car

-Pension plan and much, much more!

If you meet our qualifications and are interested in starting your career path with our extremely successful firm, then we would like to hear from you. Please call (616)373-5967 from 9: 00am to 5: 30pm to arrange a confidential interview or you may fax your resume to: (616)373-570 or mail to: Car Temps USA, 628 Maple Hill Dr., Kalamazoo, MI 49009, Car Temps USA Rent-A-Car. A Division of ANC Rental Corporation.


Exercise 1 2

Speaking. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Give your reasons.

Model: I agree with the statement because…

1. Candidates who often change jobs have valuable experience.

2. A good salary is the best way to motivate people to do their job.


Exercise 1 3

Speaking. Describe your parents' jobs. Mention their duties, conditions of work, working hours, required skills. Do they work in shifts or are they on flex(i)time? Is their job a nine-to-five job/a job with regular hours/a job with irregular hours? etc.


Exercise 1 4

Writing. Write a job description without giving the name of a job. Ask other students to guess the job or the position.


Exercise 1 5

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