Студопедия — Writing. Work out an ideal work you would like to have. Write an essay (180 words) on this topic
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Writing. Work out an ideal work you would like to have. Write an essay (180 words) on this topic


1. advocate (n.) – a person who supports or speaks in favour of somebody or of a public plan or action

e.g. The Chairman of the Commission is the president of the regional Chamber of Advocates.


2. aid (n.) – help that is given to a person.

e.g. Legal aid is intended to provide payment for legal advice and assistance for persons unable to meet the costs themselves.


3. arbitrator (n.) – a person who is chosen to settle a dispute.

e.g. An arbitrator hears the evidence and makes specific recommendations for settlement.


4. bail (n.) – money that somebody agrees to pay if a person accused of a crime does not appear at their trial. When bail has been arranged, the accused person is allowed to go free until the trial.

e.g. She was released on £ 2000 bail.


5. college (n.) – an organized group of professional people with special interests, duties or powers.

e.g. Lawyers in private practice in Russia work within colleges of advocates.


6. counsel (v.) – 1. to listen to and to give support or professional advice to somebody who needs help.

e.g. Therapists were brought in to counsel the bereaved.

2. (formal) To advise to do something.

e.g. Most experts counsel caution in such cases.


7. deal (n.) –an agreement or arrangement in business.

e.g. We are negotiating a new deal.


8. draft (v.) –To write the first rough version of something such as a letter, speech or book.

e.g. This contract was drafted by the experienced solicitor.


9. entity (n.) – (pl. - ies) (formal) something that exists separately from other things and has its own identity.

e.g. The unit has become part of a larger department and no longer exists as a separate entity.


10. flexible (adj.) – (approving) able to change to suit new conditions or situations.

e.g. Flexible working hours are provided by this employment contract.


11. hire (verb) – to employ somebody for a short time to do a particular job.

e.g. They hired a good lawyer.


12. inhouse (adj.) – (only before noun) existing or happening within a company or an organization.

e.g. An in-house counsel represents his employer.


13. judge (n.) – a person in a court of law who has the authority to decide how criminals should be punished or to make legal decisions.

e.g. The case comes before Judge Cooper next week.


14. mediate (v.) – to try to end a disagreement between two or more people or groups by talking to them and trying to find things that everyone can agree on.

e.g. They mediated a settlement.


15. negotiate (v.) – to try to reach an agreement by formal discussion.

e.g. The government will not negotiate with terrorists.


16. notarize (v.) – to give legal authenticity.

e.g. Many documents must be notarized before they become legally affective.


17. notary (n.) – a person, especially a lawyer, with official authority to be a witness when somebody signs a document and to make this document valid in law.

e.g. The notary certified deeds and contracts.


18. preside (v.) – (in a court) –to be in charge of the trial.

e.g. The court is presided over by the judge.


19. proficiency (n.) – the state or quality of being proficient.

e.g. He has obtained a high level of oral proficiency in English.


20. render (v.) – to give somebody something especially in return for something or because it is expected.

e.g. It was payment for services rendered.


21. settle (v.) – to put an end to an argument or a disagreement.

e.g. The company has agreed to settle a dispute out-of-court.


22. settlement (n.) – the action of reaching an agreement.

e.g. The parties try to reach a settlement to avoid litigation costs.


23. valid (adj.) – that is legally or officially acceptable.

e.g. They have a valid claim for compensation.


24. witness (n.) – a person who gives evidence in a court of law.

e.g. He is expected to be a key witness in the murder trial.

25. witness (v.)- (a document) to sign a document as a witness.

e.g. Mr. Brown was invited to witness the will of his aunt.




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