Студопедия — Death Sentences In U.S. At Their Lowest Level Since 1976
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Death Sentences In U.S. At Their Lowest Level Since 1976


Listen to the VOA THIS IS AMERICA PROGRAM “ Death Sentences in U.S. at Their Lowest Level Since 1976” and fill the gaps in the sentences below. Mind that you will hear the tape once as far as it plays for about 15 minutes.


1) 38 of the 50 American states _____________ for murder and other capital crimes. These are the most serious _______________________.

2) The Death Penalty Information Center in Washington, D.C., notes that executions have_______________________.

3) 1976 was the year when the United States Supreme Court _____________ of states to use ____________________________.

4) There are some new restrictions, though. In March the Supreme Court _________________ death sentences for ________________________________.

5) Justice Kennedy said it would be " morally misguided" _______________________ of a young person with those of an _________. He said a young person has ___________________ of reform.

6) Some people would like the United States Supreme Court ____________ all executions. Opponents of the death penalty say capital punishment can be _______________________. For example, they say blacks are _________________________________________________ to death than whites for similar crimes.

7) Opponents say economics play a part. Courts _____________________ if a ___________________ does not have enough money. But the opponents say ____________________________________- may depend on the ability to get a good lawyer.

8) More than 80 percent of these executions have happened in ______________. The highest rates are in the _____________, the lowest are in the______________. Texas has executed more than one-third of those put to death. Last year Texas courts __________________ twenty-three more people.

9) _____________________ say capital punishment costs more than _____________________ for life. The appeals process often continues for years. Opponents also note the risk that innocent people will be _______________ by mistake. And they argue that ____________________ does not stop criminals.

10) The Criminal Justice _______________ in Sacramento, California, supports capital punishment. The organization says its represents the interests of __________ and citizens who _____________. It says murderers sentenced to life in prison ______________. Or they might kill others _________________.

11) The Criminal Justice Legal Foundation says the families of victims ____________ that the killer of their loved one _________________________.

12) About two ___________ people questioned for a Gallup Poll in 2004 _____________

_________________________________ for murderers.

13) Most executions in the United States take place by _______________ or _________

___________________. The area of prison ____________ where the condemned are kept

is called____________.

14) Researchers at Northwestern University have studied death row ____________. They say at least ___________ men and women have been released from death rows in the United States since nineteen seventy three. New ______________ their lives.

15) For many people, the _____________ capital punishment involves religious issues. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has started _____________ the death penalty.

16) Pope _________________ criticized capital punishment. John Paul said it should be used only ___________________ when society could not be defended in any other way

17) The use of capital punishment began ___________________ of American history. But in 1972 ______________________ the Supreme Court effectively banned executions.

18) Four years later the Supreme court ____________________ of states to make new laws ____________________________ death sentences

19) Currently, ______________________ and the District of Columbia do not have capital punishment.

20) But Governor Mitt Romney has proposed to _______________ the death penalty for some crimes. These include _________________ and _________________ involving _____________________ or more than one victim.


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