Студопедия — FIRE HOSES
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The term “fire hose” identifies a type of flexible tube used by firefighters to carry water under pressure from the source of supply to a point where it is discharged to extinguish fire. Fire hose is the most used item in the fire service and the way in which it is used requires it to be flexible, water tight, have a smooth lining, and durable covering. Fire hose must withstand relatively high pressures, be able to transport water with a minimum loss in pressure, and be sufficiently flexible to permit loading into a hose compartment without occupying excessive space.

Fire hose is classified by its size (diameter) and by material from which it is constructed. The many different sizes of fire hose used by fire departments are all designed for a specific purpose. When reference is made to the diameter of fire hose, the dimensions, which are stated, are the inside diameter of the hose. Fire hose is usually cut and coupled into lengths of fifty feet for convenience of handling and replacement, but lengths greater than fifty feet may be obtained. Fire hoses can be coupled together to produce a continuous hose line.

The life of fire hose is considerably dependent upon how well it is protected against mechanical injury, heat, mildew and pressures that may exceed those for which it was tested. Mechanical injuries are various types of damage that may occur when hose is used at fires. Some common mechanical injuries are worn places, rips, abrasions, crushed or damaged couplings. The exposure of hose to excessive heat or its contact with fire will cause charring, melting or weakening of the fabric and drying of the rubber lining.

Mildew may occur on the woven jacket when moisture is allowed to remain on the outer surfaces. This condition will cause rot or decay and the consequent deterioration of the hose. Many liquids and gases contain chemical ingredients and are injurious to fire hose. Gasoline, if allowed to come in contact with hose, will penetrate the woven jacket and produce a solvent action of the rubber lining. When a small amount of water is left in hose too long, it will cause a weak solution of acid to be formed. This acid is not ordinarily injurious to the rubber lining but, if permitted to come in contact with the jacket, it may cause serious injury.

The most important factor relating to the life of fire hose is the care it gets after fires, in storage, because little can be done at fires to provide safe usage and to protect it from injury. After fire hose has been in use at fires, the usual accumulation of dust and dirt should be thoroughly brushed from it. If the dirt cannot be removed by brushing, the hose should be scrubbed and washed with clear water. When fire hose has been exposed to oil it should be washed with a mild soap or detergent, making sure that all oil is completely removed. The hose should then be properly rinsed and dried.


Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 522. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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