Студопедия — Exercise 28. Write if these statements are true or false
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Exercise 28. Write if these statements are true or false

1. A free-burning fire must be treated in the same way as the one which is in the smoldering stage.

2. Smoke differs with the nature of the substances of materials being burned.

3. As the burning progresses the density of smoke decreases.

4. Smoke becomes darker because of the presence of large quantities of carbon particles.

5. As the smoke grows denser the ability of firefighters to recognize odours increases.

Exercise 29. Retell the text in writing.


Exercise 30. Read, translate and retell the text.


Risk sports are one of the fastest-growing leisure activities. Ordinary people all over the world are willing to risk their lives for the ultimate experience – an “adrenaline rush”. They try anything from organized bungee jumps to illegally jumping off buildings. These people never feel so alive as when they are risking their lives.

Some people say that people who do risk sports are reacting against a society which they feel has become dull and constricting. Some psychologists believe that people today feel lack of adventure. In an attempt to guarantee safety, our culture had eliminated risk. People used to be able to seek adventure by hunting wild animals, or taking part in expeditions. Now they turn to risk sports as an escape.

Risk sports have a positive side as well. They help people to overcome fears that affect them in their real lives. This makes risk sports particularly valuable. People learn that being frightened doesn’t mean they can’t be in control!

Of all the risk or adrenaline sports, bungee jumping is proving the most popular. Worldwide, one-and-a-half million people have tried it. You hurtle towards the ground from 200 meters up and, at the last moment, when you are about to hit the water or land and death seems certain, a rubber band yanks you back to life. You can decide whether to jump from a crane, a bridge or a balloon. Attached to a length of elastic rope, jumpers experience a free fall of nearly 100 mph, before they’re slowed by a quickly increasing pull on their ankles.

Many people think that risk sports should be banned, because they are extremely dangerous. But people who do risk sports think that dander is exciting, they like doing something different and challenging their bodies, they enjoy the sense of achievement. They are sure that all you need is courage and reliable equipment.


Exercise 31. Write a plan to the text.

Exercise 32. Put different types of questions to the text.

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