Студопедия — Ex. 4. Translate from Russian into English
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Ex. 4. Translate from Russian into English

Законность (правомочность) режима или системы правления; классический вклад в понимание законности; эта власть функ­ционирует исключительно благодаря способностям лидера; вы­ступать с прямым обращением к последователям; от них требу­ется покорность и подчинение; связать власть с четко сформу­лированным и утвержденным законом перечнем правил; опа­саться чего-либо; бросить вызов (высказывать недовольство) политической власти; дискредитировавшее себя правительство; оставлять вопрос осуществления законности в руках влиятель­ных людей; подчеркнуть (выделить) что-либо.

Ex. 5. Fill in the blanks in column 'A' with the topical vocabulary units from column 'B\ making all necessary changes


a. relevant

b. legitimacy
с to be abused
d. the government, the governed e. governments
f. abuse, phenomenon g. consent h. albeit

1. When... is constructed largely or entirely through the power of a leader's personality, it often has no limits.

2. The advantage of legal-rational authority is that it is far less likely... or give rise to injustice.

3. Although this classification of types of legitimacy is still seen as..., it also has its limitations.

4. These rules must be justified in terms of the shared beliefs of... and...

5. Legitimacy must be demonstrated by an expression of... on the part of the governed.

6.... are elected to power, and can be elected out of it.

7. Drugs..., unfortunately has become a social...

8. Governments that are seen as legitimate can usually maintain order

and pursue tough policies,... slowly,
by building coalitions.
9. The Bank's ability to maintain its i. the consequences

integrity while paying due... to the democratically elected authorities with which it works provides a model appropriate to a complex economy.

10. The sportsman made one more... j. infallible service, and won the match.

11.... of the nuclear explosion in Japan k. deference in 1945 are still felt.

12. Nothing can... the government's 1, obligatory recent policies.

13. He definitely let us down, by not... m to justify any of our expectations.

14. All decisions of the UN Security n. obligations Council are... for all its members.

15. Every UN member - state must be o. to fulfill guided by the... set out in the UN


Kx. 6. Paraphrase the underlined parts, using the topical vocabulary

1 The rightfulness of a regime or system of rule is closely connected with one of the most fundamental of political debates, the problem of political commitment.

.'. Max Weber made a great contribution to the understanding of legitimacy as a sociological notion.

* We must ag ree that traditional authority is based on the long-established customs and traditions.

I Traditional authority is viewed as legal and lawful because it has 'always existed'.

^ Political legitimacy i s performed according to a body of concrete rules, they do not need tn he proved because they reflect the way things have always been.

f> It's quite tme to say that traditional authority is closely linked to hereditary systems of power and privilege.

' The survival of monarchy helps to shape political culture by keeping alive values such as respect and duty.

ч Most political scientists admit that charismatic authority is based on the power of an individual's personality. They demonstrate unanimity of their views on the idea.

' If legitimacy is constructed through the power of a leader's personality there are usually after-effects of such policy.


10. This rule is med without any limits.

11. The leader rules, the masses are required only to submit and obey.

12. The authority is so closely linked to a specific individual, that it is difficult for a system of personal rule to outlive its founding figure.

Ex. 7. Analyse the meaning of the verbs 'may/might', translate the sentences

1. a) You may not abuse her patience any longer. We won't let

you do it. b) You may he abusing her patience, so she won't listen to you.

2. a) The new governor may legitimate this draft programme.

b) The upper chamber of Parliament may be legitimating these amendments, we are to hear about the results in the near future.

3. a) The management may have consented to all the demands of

the workers. They promised to have reconsidered their position by the next meeting, b) The management might have consented to all just demands of the workers. Perhaps they would have reconsidered their position.

4. a) The newly-elected president may fulfill his promises, yet, b) He may have already fulfilled some of his obligations.

5. a) He may say something rational at the meeting. He always

knows what he is after, b) He might have said something rational.

6. a) You may run the work of our department at present. We

don't mind, b) You might run the work of our department. You are quite qualified for that.

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