Студопедия — WORDS AND WORD COMBINATIONS. to be subject to criticismподвергаться критике
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WORDS AND WORD COMBINATIONS. to be subject to criticismподвергаться критике

to be subject to criticism подвергаться критике

to shape a policy формировать политику

to be conscious of sth знать, осознавать

to carry sth out выполнять, осуществлять

mass media (pi.) средства массовой информа-

to convey a message сообщать сведения, послание

to constrain sb by sth ограничивать к-л ч-л

Work in pairs: Do you think the following statements are true. or false?

Political socialisation is a process through which political

attitudes and beliefs are acquired.

Radicals and Marxists equate political socialisation with

ideological domination.

Conventional political scientists regard socialisation as

unplanned and informal.

Political socialisation is transmitted in the cause of economic


There are correlations between social factors and specific forms

of political behaviour which explain how and why socialisation

exerts an influence.

Human beings are robots programmed by their social


Family, school, religion, media and government are various

social agents which produce a homogeneous political culture.

The family accomplishes 'primary' socialisation.

The significance of education results from the susceptibility of

the young to influences and pressures.

Under any regime media are a propaganda machine.

Government is always an influential agent of political


♦ Discuss/check your considerations with the rest of the class.

SCAN reading:look though the text to find answers to the true/false statements.


Political attitudes and beliefs are 'acquired' through learning and social experience. The process through which this happens is usually


called political socialisation. However, the idea of political socialisation has been subject to much dispute and criticism. Although everyone accepts that political attitudes and behaviour are in some way shaped by learning and by the broader social environment, there is fierce disagreement about how this process occurs and what its political significance might be.

Interest in the socialisation process arises from two very different sources. Radicals and Marxists have long emphasised the degree to which the ideas of a 'ruling' or economically dominant class pervade society, encouraging subordinate classes to accept the existing distribution of wealth and resources. This is political socialisation as ideological domination. In this view, the socialisation process is seen as essentially conscious or deliberate. It amounts, in its crudest form, to a process of indoctrination that takes place throughout a person's life and is carried out by institutions such as the media and the state. Conventional political scientists, however, influenced by the picture of human nature as essentially malleable, look to the social environment to explain individual and group behaviour. Socialisation, from this perspective, is typically unplanned and informal; it operates largely through the agency of the family, and shapes individuals during childhood when the human organism is a 'black box' waiting to be filled. Political socialisation is therefore portrayed as the transmission of values and beliefs from one generation to the next in the interests of social cohesion and political stability, rather than in the cause of economic subordination.

Enthusiasm about political socialisation has dimmed since the 1960s, in part because it has proved frustratingly difficult to demonstrate empirically how the process works. Empirical political scientists have, at best, been able to establish correlations between particular social factors and specific forms of political behaviour, for instance, between social class and voting behaviour. Although this may enable predictions to be made (in this case about the outcome of elections), it does not amount to an explanation how or why it exerts an influence. The limitation of theories of political socialisation is therefore that they fail to take account of personality and individual experience. For good or ill, human beings are not simply robots programmed by their social environment to behave as instructed.

A further problem is that there is no reason to assume that the various social agents (family, school, religion, media, government and so on) are part of an interlinked process that tends to produce a homogeneous political culture. The impact of the various agents of socialisation, as well as the attitudes and values they impart, vary from society to society and over time. The influence of these agents is

notoriously difficult to quantify because the context they provide is often as important as the content of the message they transmit.

The family is often seen as the agent that accomplishes 'primary' socialisation, providing individuals, in late childhood and adolescence in particular, with a framework of political sympathies and leanings that adult experience may modify or deepen, but seldom radically transform.

The significance of education results from the susceptibility of the young, unformed and impressionable, to external influences and pressures.

Religion may have declined in significance with the advance of secularisation, but, in certain parts of the world, has acquired renewed importance through the emergence of fundamentalist sects and movements. This has been especially evident in the case of political Islam.

As most political information is now disseminated by television, radio, newspapers and magazines, much of the modem debate about socialisation focuses on the role of the mass media. When the communications system is subject to formal political control, as in slates of socialist, fascist or authoritarian regimes, the media become little more than a propaganda machine. Nevertheless, despite their formal independence from government and the existence of pluralism iind debate, both left-wing and right-wing critics have argued that the liberal-democratic media convey a more subtle but no less effective political message.

Government is inevitably an agent of political socialisation. Some governments explicitly acknowledge this as a key task. Although in democratic states such ambitions are constrained by constitutional devices and party competition, all governments recognise that their opacity to remain in power depends, in part, on their ability to construct a value system that commands broad popular support.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-18; просмотров: 973. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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