Студопедия — Pre-reading exercises
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Pre-reading exercises



Exercise 1. Try to guess the meaning of the following words.

Cholesterol, adrenal cortex, atherosclerosis, deposit, coronary arteries, medium, cholesterol-free, cholesterol-rich, cholesterol-carrying proteins, to inhibit cholesterol synthesis, to indicate, promote, sex hormones.

Exercise 2. Try to remember where you could see the following words:

Oil, size, fat, sale, wool, leather, preservative, lubricant, ointment.

All English sentences have the Subject and the Predicate which make up the skeleton of the sentence. The subject usually comes before the Predicate. Before you start translating the sentence find the Subject and the Predicate. Remember: combination Preposition + Noun can NEVER be the Subject.

Exercise 3. Read the sentence, underline the Subject and the Predicate and translate them.

1. A close relationship exists among levels of blood cholesterol in the body and the development of atherosclerosis.

2. In this disorder, plaques containing cholesterol are deposited on the walls of arteries.

3. Although many foods, particularly dairy products and meat fat, contain cholesterol, the body also synthesizes this sterol from cholesterol-free substances.

4. Lovastatin, one of a class of drugs that inhibit cholesterol synthesis, was approved for sale in the United States.

Exercise 4. Read the text and mark the sentences, which contain constructions, which you think are difficult for you to translate.

Cholesterol is a complex alcohol constituent of all animal fats and oils. It can be activated to form vitamin D. Cholesterol is one of a group of compounds known as sterols and is related to such other sterols as the sex hormones and the hormones of the adrenal cortex. A close relationship exists among levels of blood cholesterol in the body, those of other fats or lipids, and the development of atherosclerosis. In this disorder, plaques containing cholesterol are deposited on the walls of arteries, particularly those of small and medium size, reducing their inside diameter and the flow of blood. Clotting of blood, such as may occur in the coronary arteries to cause a heart attack, is most likely to develop at places where arterial walls are roughened by such plaques.

Although many foods, particularly dairy products and meat fat, contain cholesterol, the body also synthesizes this sterol from cholesterol-free substances. Nevertheless, investigation indicates that a cholesterol-rich diet causes abnormally high levels of cholesterol and the related fats and lipids in the blood. Evidence strongly indicates that people with such high levels are more likely to develop atherosclerosis and heart attacks than those with lower levels. Also significant is the fact that scientists have identified two forms of cholesterol-carrying proteins in the blood, called high-density and low-density lipoproteins. The low-density form is thought to promote atherosclerosis, whereas the high-density component may retard it. In 1984, the United States National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute reported results of a study indicating that high levels of low-density lipoproteins also increased the risk of heart attacks and heart disease.

Persons who have abnormally high levels of cholesterol—especially low-density cholesterol—on a congenital basis can reduce their risk of heart attack by lowering their blood cholesterol. This is done by following a diet low in cholesterol and saturated fats, getting sufficient exercise, and using certain drugs. In 1987, lovastatin, one of a class of drugs that inhibit cholesterol synthesis, was approved for sale in the United States. Many similar drugs are now available.

Cholesterol and its derivatives are secreted through the oil glands of the skin to act as a lubricant and protective covering for the hair and skin. Lanolin, a grease extracted from raw sheep wool and composed largely of cholesterol esters, has a variety of commercial uses in lubricants, leather preservatives, ointments, and cosmetics.

Grammar Notes:

1. Words that and those can be used as substituents of nouns not to repeat the same noun again. In the example, find the word which is substituted by the word those. Translate the sentence.

e.g. A close relationship exists among levels of blood cholesterol in the body, those of other fats or lipids, and the development of atherosclerosis.

2. In the example the construction in bold is called Complex Subject. We start translating it from the middle. First we translate part 2, then part 1 and finish with part 3.

e.g. The low-density form is thought to promote atherosclerosis.

part 1 part 2 part 3

Exercise 1. Match the words in A with the words in B, translate the combinations and memorise them.

Dairy Saturated Heart Congenital Cholesterol Sufficient Oil Commercial Blood High Protective Similar Exercise Attack Products Glands Uses Level Drugs Basis Esters Covering Fats Cholesterol


Exercise 2. Fill in the gaps with ONE word, translate and memorise the combinations.

1. Compounds ____________as sterols

2. Clotting __________blood

3. To __________a heart attack

4. To ____________ a diet

5. Approved _______________sale

6. Secreted _____________the oil glands

7. Deposited on the __________of arteries

8. To ______________the risk of heart attack


Дата добавления: 2015-03-11; просмотров: 706. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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