Студопедия — Exercise 3. a) Find in the text and translate the following linking words: Although, whereas, also, nevertheless
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Exercise 3. a) Find in the text and translate the following linking words: Although, whereas, also, nevertheless

b) Fill in the gaps with the correct linking word.

1. ________________he followed the diet, his level of cholesterol was high.

2. He is a great animal lover, ___________________ he is not a vegetarian.

3. He eats a lot of fatty food. __________ he has a very lazy style of living.

4. She never eats before going to bed, _____________her brother usually has a big supper.

Exercise 4. Now read and translate the whole text.

Exercise 5. Make 5 short sentences in English based on the text. Work with your partner. Take turns to translate each other's sentences.

Exercise 6. Make 5 short sentences in your native language. Work with your partner. Take turns to translate each other's sentences.

Exercise 7. Make a short talk on one of the following topics.

1. Cholesterol. General notion.

2. Cholesterol and heart diseases.

3. Cholesterol and diet.

4. Two types of cholesterol.

5. Commercial use of cholesterol.

Exercise 8. Topics for presentation.

1. Diet for people who have high levels of cholesterol.

2. Rate of heart diseases in Ukraine.

3. Therapeutic methods of prevention and treatment of high levels of cholesterol.

UNIT 2. Metabolism.

Pre-reading exercises.

Exercise 1. Try to guess the meaning of the following words.

Single-celled algae, catalyst, external and internal physical activity, catalised reactions, complex macromolecules, carbohydrates, ATP, energy transformation, dynamic equilibrium, endocrine system, high-energy-yielding fats, step-by-step chemical reactions.

Exercise 2. Match the words with their definitions and translate them.

Word Definition
carnivores     herbivores     maturity     seeds   tubers the time when a person, animal or plant is fully grown, developed   a small hard object produced by plants,from which a new plant of the same the grows   a round part in some plants that grows under the ground animals that eat flesh (meat)   animals that eat plants

Exercise 3. Guess the meaning of the underlined words from the highlighted sentences.

Metabolism is an inclusive term for the chemical reactions by which the cells of an organism transform energy, maintain their identity, and reproduce. All life forms—from single-celled algae to mammals—are dependent on many hundreds of simultaneous and precisely regulated metabolic reactions to support them from conception through growth and maturity to the final stages of death. Each of these reactions is triggered, controlled, and terminated by specific cell enzymes or catalysts, and each reaction is coordinated with the numerous other reactions throughout the organism.

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