Студопедия — Unit 3. HOBBY. УВЛЕЧЕНИЕ
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A hobby is something like a habit, a pastime when you devote all your time to it; you can’t do without it.

Some people don’t like noise or a great number of people. After a hard day they come home and have a rest sewing or knitting. Other people like to make everything with their own hands; they can repair an iron, a tape-recorder and what-not. Such people are fans of DIY – “do it yourself”. Some people also are fond of collecting antiques, old coins, post cards and stamps. Many people are fond of gardening and especially growing flowers.

Both grown-ups and children are fond of playing different computer games. This is a relatively new hobby but it is becoming more and more popular. Many people are fond of hunting, but not with guns. They hunt birds and animals with a camera, they are fond of prhotography. Some people like active rest. Their hobbies can be jogging, hiking and mountain-climbing (mountaineering).

My name is Natasha. I’ve got some hobbies too. I’m interested in music and I collect records. I like to travel very much. When I am on holiday I like to tour the country or go abroad. My special hobby is cooking. I like to bake cakes and pies. My pies are very tasty but I like to make cakes best of all.

1. Antonyms. Найдите антонимы к данным словам в тексте:

1) easy day;

2) nothing;

3) absolutely;

4) to hate;

5) I don’t care about smth;

6) to stay at home;

7) to protect animals;

8) silence;

9) work;

10) children;

11) new.

2. Synonyms. Найдите синонимы к данным словам в тексте:

1) free time;

2) to travel;

3) to make cakes;

4) famous;

5) to make yourself;

6) a lot of;

7) to kill;

8) mainly;

9) music interests me;

10) to plant flowers;

11) grown-ups.

3. После ознакомления с текстом, согласитесь или не согласитесь со следующими утверждениями (True or False Statements):

1. Only children like to play computer games.

2. Not all people like noise.

3. Active rest means that you make everything with your own hands.

4. Playing computer games is quite a new hobby.

5. Natasha is interested in growing vegetables.

6. She doesn’t like to travel abroad.

7. Most of all she likes to bake pies.

8. Natasha is fond of collecting records.

9. When people hunt birds with a camera they don’t want to kill them.

10. A hobby is a pastime you can do without.

4. Speaking 1. Work in pairs. Think about:

1) three things that people often play:

2) three things that people often collect:

3) five outdoor hobbies which include some physical exercise:

Choose the most interesting activity for you. Explain your choice.

5. Прочитайте, как люди описывают свои увлечения. Догадайтесь, о каком хобби рассказывает каждый из них?

1. I usually use colour, but sometimes you get a better effect with black and white. It really depends on the subject.

2. I really enjoy going round the shops and markets looking for a bargain.

3. I try to practise every day, but sometimes it's difficult because I don't like to disturb my neighbours too much. And one neighbour gets very angry if I play the same thing over and over again.

4. The great thing is you can do it when you like. I usually do it three or four times a week - either early in the morning, or after school. I only go for about 25 minutes but it really keeps me fit.

5. Obviously it saves me a lot of money; and in any case, I hate buying things in boutiques because so many things are badly made.

6. I joined a club because I wanted to get better, and I now play twice a week in the evenings. It has helped me a lot and I have a much better memory for all the different moves and strategies.

7. I think this is a very common hobby for people like me, who have a house but don't have much money. That's why I started, but now I think I do a better job than many professionals.

6. Speaking 2. Work in groups of four.

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