Студопедия — Unit 4. PRUE. РЭУ
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Unit 4. PRUE. РЭУ

Hello, my name is Alexander Smirnov and I am a student of Finance Faculty. Let me tell you about the history of our University.

At first the University was called the Moscow Commercial Institute. It was founded by several leading Russian businessmen who subscribed money to the new university. In the 1907-1908 academic year there were 1846 students at the Institute.

In the 1913-1914 academic year the total number of students was 3470. There were two faculties: the Commercial/Economics faculty that provided students with the basic economic disciplines and the Commercial/Technical Faculty that provided the students with commercial and economic disciplines as well as with a basic knowledge of natural sciences. The tuition at that time was 100 roubles per academic year: not a small amount of money then. The best students could apply for scholarships and the most successful could take part in international programmes and could study abroad, mainly in Europe.

After the October Revolution in 1917 the Institute became the Moscow Institute of National Economy named after G.V. Plekhanov. The University took different names but the idea of training highly-qualified students for the Russian economy remained the main aim. In 1991 the Plekhanov became the Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics. Then it got its present name the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE).

The Plekhanov University continued to train high qualified specialists even during the hardest periods of Russian history; World War, Russian Civil War 1918-1924 and World War II.

Today the University is one of the largest and the most prestigious Russian educational institutions. Among our alumnus are outstanding Russian economists, businessmen and politicians.

The Plekhanov University is now famous worldwide. Our alumni now work for multinational and Russian companies in and outside Russia. Currently there are around 17 000 full time, part time and distance learning students at the Plekhanov.

I am really happy and proud to study in such a famous educational institution.

1. Найдите в тексте синонимы к следующим словам и выражениям:

1) the name was;

2) was set up;

3) people of commerce;

4) a person that studies at a university;

5) amount of;

6) department at a university;

7) subjects to study;

8) teaching;

9) money that is paid to the student;

10) target;

11) thought;

12) popular;

13) all over the world;

14) former students of the institute;

15) at present.

2. После ознакомления с текстом согласитесь или не согласитесь со следующими утверждениями:

1. The former name of the Academy was the Moscow Commercial Institute.

2. The tuition then was a lot of money.

3. Any student could apply for scholarship.

4. The main aim of the Academy has always been to train students.

5. The Academy trained only highly qualified students.

6. Today the Academy is the largest and the most prestigious university of Russia.

7. The Academy didn’t stop training even in the most difficult periods of Russian history.

8. All outstanding economists and businessmen of this country graduated from the Academy.

9. The Academy provides education for different types of students.

10. You are a distance learning student.

3. Найдите в левой колонке определения к словам из правой колонки:

1) to sit an exam; a) a child at school;
2) to set an exam; b) that is what schools and universities do;
3) to take an exam; c) required by law or regulation;
4) to pass an exam; d) that is what examiners do;
5) compulsory; e) an older person at college or university;
6) voluntary; f) performed by free choice;
7) to educate; g) to attempt the questions;
8) to bring up; h) that is what parents do;
9) a pupil; i) that is what students do;
10) a student. j) to be successful at an exam.

4. Заполните пропуски в предложениях, выбрав из предложенных слов подходящие по смыслу:

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