Студопедия — Reading Comprehension Check
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Reading Comprehension Check

1. Why do many Americans want to receive college or university education?

2. What institutions provide post-school education in the USA?

3. What are some differences between a) a community college and a four-year college; b) a four-year college and a university?

4. What degrees are available at liberal arts colleges?

5. Do American public colleges and universities charge tuition?

6. What activities do American students often become involved in during their undergraduate years?

7. How do you understand the task of American higher education to produce "well-rounded" people?



Go through the list of American educational terms. Be able to explain the notion they describe.


full time student/work

part-time student/education

to enroll in college


to live on campus

community college

four-year college

liberal arts college (school)

the freshman (year)

a fresher n

the sophomore (year)

the junior (year)

the senior (year)

graduate student

elective course

major n., v., adj.

minor n., adj.

academic year

failing/passing grade

student union





the fall/spring semester

alma mater

in-state student

out-of-state student

public/private college


loan n

adult/continuing education

matriculate v

credit n

Study the word and phase list you will need to discuss the text

beyond high school

to go to college

career/job advancement

personal growth

to exemplify

to offer graduate studies/degrees

to earn a degree

to get credit

to attend summer sessions

need-based financial aid

merit-based aid

to be eligible for (aid)

alien n

to improve job-related skills

to keep up with new techniques in one's field

access to (ex. education)

to underlie the system

to hold sway


Complete the sentences given below by using the essential vocabulary.

a) The main subject in which an American student specializes is called his...;

b) a subsidiary subject that an American student is learning is his...;

c) the four years of studies at American universities have their traditional names.

They are...;

d) the academic year in the USA colleges consists of two forms (semesters) which

are called...;

e) subjects that are not compulsory for study are described by Americans as...



Here are a few words to describe the British university life. Provide the terms that render similar notions in American English

honour's subject

subsidiary subject

optional course

hall of residence

Дата добавления: 2015-08-17; просмотров: 647. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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