Студопедия — A Letter of Application b Memo
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A Letter of Application b Memo

C CV d Letter of complaint

Dear Akram, Thank you for your fax. I was sorry to hear that you’ve had some problems with the WR 458. We do all we can to make sure that our products leave our factory in perfect condition, but unfortunately sometimes a bad one does slip through. If you can arrange for it to be returned to me, I’ll let you have a replacement by return. Hoping that you are keeping well, Regards Tony Anthony Hopkins.

A Contract b Memo

C CV d Letter of apology

In the winter issue of Multimedia News we read that your company sells language laboratories. Our school needs a new language laboratory and we are looking for the best equipment. Could you please send us information on your laboratories and include a price list and ordering information. Thank you for your assistance. I look forward to hearing from you.  

a Letter of enquiry/request b CV

C Contract d Letter of complaint

Dear Sir or Madam: In the April 4, 2006 Boston Daily News I read about your new camera the XL-Lite. Since I am a photographer with Bay State Magazine, it is important that I know about new cameras. Would you please send me information on the camera? I would like to know when the camera will be available and how much it will cost. Thank you for your attention.

a CV b Letter of enquiry/request c Memo d Letter of complaint

I am writing in connection with the above invoice for an MX3 Facsimile machine. We received this machine yesterday. Unfortunately, the power cable is missing. We would be grateful if you could send us one as soon as possible.  

A Letter of complaint b CV

C Letter of apology d Contract

Responsible for training and mentoring system technicians and system designs. Also responsible for ensuring that delegated tasks are done accurately, on-time, billed within budget, and performed within the scope of the contract. Must also oversee that safety standards are adhered to.

A Letter of inquiry b Contract

C Job advertisement d Memo

Tony Spencer keeps parking his car in front of the main door. I have told him before that this place is reserved for the Managing Director. Can you tell him again?  

A Contract c CV

C Memo d Letter of Application

I have enclosed my resume, and I would like to schedule an interview. I will call you early next week. I look forward to meeting you.    

A Letter of Application b Memo

C CV d Letter of complaint

I was very sorry to hear about your problems with the new medical equipment. I have investigated the complaint and I regret to tell you that the problem is the result of faulty operation. I enclose a copy of the inspector’s report with this letter. If you require us to repair the machine, please contact me at the number above.

A Contract b Letter of apology

C CV d Letter of Application

Newell Ltd., hereinafter referred to as the Sellers on the one hand and Messrs. RusImport, hereinafter referred to as the Buyers, on the other hand, have concluded this Contract, whereby the Sellers sold and the Buyers bought on the terms and conditions stated herein, subject to the Standard Conditions of Sale attached to this Contract and forming an integral part thereof 25 SECURITY DEVICES …

A Contract b Memo

c CV d Letter of enquiry/request


(1)__: Purchasing & Sales Supervisor From: (2)___ (3)___: Drinks and Beverages Co Date: 1 Feb Drinks and Beverages Co recently delivered our (4)___. Unfortunately, we ordered 75 kilos of tea and 60 kilos of coffee powder and they only sent us the tea. Please write and ask them to deliver the coffee powder as soon as possible.

a To b Subject

C Manager d order №378

  To: Eric Ford, Purchasing (1)___: Helen Wong, Marketing Subject: (2___) Would you please (3)___ for our new employee, and tell me when the furniture will arrive? (4)___  

A buying new furniture

B From

C buy a swived chair and a desk

D H.W.

  To: Secretary to the Principal (1)___: Vincent Cherry, Production Manager Subject: (2)___ Date: 26 November A fire has destroyed part of the factory that supplies us with (3)___. This means that there will be a delay of at least 2 months in the delivery of any order for cables. Please write to SAB Ltd and tell them this. (4)___

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