Студопедия — Further and higher education
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Further and higher education


1. college (1) [ uncountable; countable ] (BrE) an educational institution for advanced education, especially in a particular profession or skill (it gives students qualifications that are usually below the level of a university degree) колледж: a teacher training / secretarial college | He teaches at the college.

(2) [ uncountable; countable ] (AmE) an educational institution where you can study after high school and get a degree специальное высшее учебное заведение; университет: Fran just finished her freshman year in college.

(3) [ countable ] the students and teachers of a college колледж

2. college of education | teacher-training college (in Britain until 1964) | teacher's / teachers' (training) college (AmE) a college which trains teachers педагогический институт; педагогический колледж, педагогическое училище: He qualified as an electronics engineer before going to teachers' training college.

3. technical college | college of technology a college that trains people for jobs in technology and other practical subjects технический колледж: He attended a technical college for engineering studies before moving to Los Angeles in 1982. | I taught higher national diploma courses in the evenings at the local technical college.

4. community college (1) a secondary school in Britain that students from the local area can go to, and which also has classes for adults региональный / местный колледж: I got her a catalogue from the local community college, and we started talking about courses.

(2) a college in the USA that students can go to for two years in order to learn a skill or prepare for university региональный / местный колледж: She enrolled at a Colorado community college.

5. vocational school профессионально-техническое училище: There are vocational and technical schools to deal with job training for kids not destined for college. | Vocational schools have traditionally had low status. | Traditionally, vocational schools have focused on jobs that do not require higher education.

6. polytechnic | poly (informal) [ countable ] a type of British college similar to a university, where you could study academic subjects up to degree level, or train for particular jobs (in 1992, all the polytechnics in Britain became universities) политехнический институт, политехникум: In 1992 polytechnics achieved / attained / were given university status. | I considered applying to university, but I eventually decided to go to the local poly.

7. university [ uncountable; countable ] an educational institution where students study for degrees and where academic research is done университет: She teaches at the University of Connecticut.

8. school [ uncountable; countable ] (AmE) a college or university, or the time when you study there университет; колледж: Cornell is a very good school. | We first met at graduate school.

9. college | university | school COLLOCATIONS

to be at / go to / attend college / university / school to study at a college / university / school: They met while they were at college / university / school. | My brother never went to college, but he still has a very good job. | Did you go to university? | She was going to school in Boston.

to go to / get into / enter (a) college / university / school to become a college / university / school student: Donna left school and went to art college. | She wants to go to university to study biology. | When I entered Columbia Law School my military deferment was in default.

to graduate from college / university / school to finish a college / university / school: We hadn't seen each other since we graduated from college. | He graduated in physics from Cambridge University.

to drop out of / leave / quit (informal) college / university / school to leave college / university / school without finishing it completely: I dropped out of / left university in 1979.

to put sb through college / university / school to provide sb with money to enable them to receive a college / university / school education: I need to save enough to put my children through university. | She worked as a waitress and put herself through school.



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