Студопедия — Government and administration
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Government and administration


1. administrator [ countable ] someone whose job involves helping to organize and supervise the way that an educational institution functions руководитель: She works as a school administrator. | School administrators walk a tightrope between the demands of the community and the realities of how children really behave.

2. head (teacher) (BrE) | headmaster / headmistress (esp. BrE) | principal (esp. AmE) [ countable ] (BrE) the teacher who is in charge of a school директор школы: In the evening I consulted a friend who is also a local head teacher. | From now on all violent incidents should be reported directly to the head. | Once, after he had been absent a fortnight, the principal tackled his parents.

3. local education authority / LEA an organization in Britain that is responsible for schools in a particular area местные органы народного образования

4. principal [ countable ] (BrE) someone who is in charge of a college or university директор (колледжа); ректор (университета): the Principal of Glasgow University

5. chancellor [ countable ] (1) the person who officially represents a British university on special occasions but who does not take part in running the university (почетный) ректор: A former politician has been appointed Chancellor of the university.

(2) the person in charge of some American universities ректор: the Chancellor of Indiana University

6. vice-chancellor [ countable ] (1) someone who is the head of a British university, and responsible for the way it is organized ректор, вице-канцлер: Two years later he was appointed vice-chancellor, in which capacity he served until his death.

(2) someone who is responsible for a particular part of some universities in the USA проректор: the vice-chancellor for student affairs

7. president [ countable ] (AmE) the person in charge of a university ректор

8. provost [ countable ] (1) the person in charge of a college in some British universities, especially at Oxford or Cambridge декан, руководитель: the Provost of King's College, Cambridge

(2) an important official at a university in the USA, who deals with matters such as the teaching staff and the courses of study проректор

9. dean [ countable ] (1) a high-ranking official in a college or university who is responsible for the organization of a department декан (факультета): the Dean of Medicine | He was forced to step down as dean of the dental department at the college.

deputy dean заместитель декана

(2) someone in a university who is responsible for a particular area of work должностное лицо, руководитель: the admissions dean

10. head of department [ countable ] заведующий кафедрой

11. chair | professorship [ countable ] the position of being a university professor должность профессора; должность заведующего кафедрой в университете: The chair of English literature at Leeds has become vacant. | He has accepted a research professorship at Cambridge University.

to hold a chair / professorship иметь звание профессора; заведовать кафедрой: He holds a chair of chemistry in the university. | Most have held a professorship in their department before advancing.

to be appointed to a chair | to receive / get a chair получить звание профессора; быть избранным заведующим кафедрой: He has been appointed to the chair of sociology at Southampton University. | I wonder who'll receive / get the chair.

12. faculty board | board of the faculty совет факультета

13. senate | academic board / council [ countable ] the governing council at some universities (ученый) совет: The new bill would remove student representation from the university Senate.

14. school board (1) a group of people, including some parents, who are elected to make decisions about how to manage a school школьный совет / комитет: The school board offered the student the option of leaving the room or standing silently.

(2) local school board | board of education a group of people who are elected to organize the management of the local school system of a particular area, especially in the USA (местный) отдел народного образования, совет по вопросам образования: He serves on the school board. | The county Board of Education has decided to cancel high school gymnastics and golf programs.



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