Студопедия — Translation
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Міжнародне співробітництво в галузі захисту прав людини дуже важливе для виживання світу в цілому. Протягом світової історії, особливо останніх двох століть, було підписано декілька декларацій та заключені міжнародні договори про права людини. Такі декларації та договори демонструють міжнародну увагу стосовно тих груп населення планети, що потребують особливого захисту їх прав та гідності. В різні часи було докладено певних зусиль людства стосовно підтримки прав людини – повна відміна рабства та праці рабів, захист прав жертв війни та військових, що поранені або хворі і вже не здатні до військової служби, надання рівних прав релігійним, мовним та расовим меншостям, знищення трудової дискримінації та примусової праці та інше.

На сучасному етапі, згідно з Конституцією нашої країни, права та свободи людини є невід’ємними і кожна особа наділяється ними вже за фактом свого народження та існування. Ці права захищаються і гарантуються Конституцією.

Find in the text the information on

A) changing the notion of human rights in the Constitution;

B) the bodies which guarantee the fundamental rights and freedoms stipulated by the Constitution.

A) Tell what personal non-property rights providing for the social existence of the physical entity are mentioned in the Civil Code of Ukraine;

B) Explain why it is humane to maintain rights of military wounded and sick of any side.

Make a plan of text 1 in the form of questions. Ask your partner to answer your questions.

Insert one of the following words into the text in an appropriate form.

to provide for, natural, inviolability, non-property, care, Civil, personal, right

A special part of the … Code is composed into a book entitled Personal … rights of the physical entity”, and this shows how important … non-property rights are in the structure of the Civil Code. A separate chapter in the book is devoted to those rights which … the … existence of the individual such as the right to life, health …, medical assistance, … to freedom and … of a person, right to family, etc.



A) Give the ground to the idea that military wounded and sick of any side at the time of war must be cared for and captured wounded must be sent home if they are incapable of military service.

b) Explain why theestablishment of the International Military Tribunal for the Trial of German Major War Criminals by thevictorious powers was very important from the political, social and humanitarian point of view.

2. Insert necessary words and word-combinations into the stories. Who tells these stories? What steps must be made internationally to maintain their rights?

a) captured, incapable of military service, wounded, rights

War is terrible. I was … in a night battle. My leg was bleeding and hand couldn’t move. I stayed on the field and waited for death. In a few hours, at dawn, I was … and taken to some place where I saw many wounded men …. Do we have any…? What will be with us?

b) rights, equal, religion and language, few, accepted, enjoy

We are too … here. I mean in this country. We have almost no …. Our … differ from those of the majority of this country, and this may be the reason that we are not … willingly by people and authorities here. We are not… before the law with them and we do not… the same political and civil rights as they do.

c) endowed with, enforced, slaves, work, protect

We … nearly day and night. We sleep very little, we almost always work. We are … no rights. Our labour is … and our master can sell any of us any moment. We are just …, and I am not sure that there is anybody who can… us.

3. From the text of Section 2 you know that the bodies which guarantee the fundamental rights and freedoms stipulated by the Constitution are: the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the President of Ukraine, the Authorized Representative of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Human Rights, the Cabinet of Ministers, and other bodies of central executive power, the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, offices of the Prosecutor General, courts, local power and local self governments, advocates offices and other law-enforcement bodies. How can these organs protect and guarantee human rights and freedoms in fact?

Дата добавления: 2015-08-27; просмотров: 406. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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