Студопедия — Active vocabulary
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Active vocabulary

Cooperation conduct policy economic output European Union federation human rights reconciliation preserve promote rule of law safeguard security
Integration international join forces negotiation   share sovereignty strengthen supranational  


1. Answer the following questions using the information from the text:

1) Why is the European Union unique?

2) Why do the European Union Member States “pool their sovereignty”?

3) How long has the European Union been developing (since, for)?

4) Can we make a conclusion that the European Union is one of the most powerful economic players at the global market?

5) What are the main political objectives of the European Union? How can the Member states achieve them?

6) What is the most effective way of solving intercontinental and international problems according to the text?

7) How has the global balance of power changed with the European Union development?

2. Complete the following sentences according to the information from the text:

1. The European Union can be defined as …

2. “A new type of integration” means …

3. All European countries celebrate the EU “birthday” on … because…

4. The European Union’s single market ensures…

5. Common foreign and security policy is aimed …

6. The process of European integration has influenced …

7. Joining their forces Europeans can …

3. Put the following statements in order as they are mentioned in the text:

1. In 1949 in Brussels W. Churchill said “The Europe we seek to unite is all Europe.”

2. The European Union helps to secure a global balance of power.

3. The European Union operation is a hybrid of intergovernmentalism and supranationalism.

4. The European Union – comprising 27 states (as of January 2007) – is Europe’s largest state entity in area and population.

5. Common foreign and security policy is one of the most important responsibilities of the European Union.

6. The original aim of the Community was economic integration: to create a common market, later defined as a Single Internal Market, in which there could be free movement of goods, persons, services and capital.



1. Which words and phrases in the text have the following meaning:

b) pooling of interests and giving full civil and membership rights;

c) a state having indisputable right to make decisions and act accordingly;

d) supremacy of law;

e) organization that is beyond the authority and jurisdiction of one national government;

f) discussion to bring about an agreement or result;

g) the condition that exists when nations or other groups are not fighting;

h) external policy;

i) rights of individuals to liberty, justice etc.

2. Choose the word or phrase that best complete the sentence:


1. European Union countries have _______ common institutions to which they delegate some of their sovereignty.

(a) set back; (b) set down; (c) set up; (d) set with.

2. The _______ is fundamental to the European Union.

(a) rule of law; (b) standing rule; (c) golden rule; (d) rule of the road.

3. All European Union decisions and procedures are based on the ______,

which are agreed by all the EU countries.

(a) Commands; (b) Orders; (c) Treaties; (d) Decrees;

4. In the early years, much of the _______ between EU countries was about trade and the economy.

(a) cooperation; (b) cooperate; (c) cooperative; (d) cooperator.

5. The EU treaties lay down the basic aims of the Community, establish the _____

and their powers.

(a) institutions; (b) universities; (c) colleges; (d) firms.

6. The _______ is the main trend of development of the European communities and the Union.

(a) federalization; (b) globalization; (c) consolidation; (d) collaboration.

7. The Member States created the Schengen area and introduced a single _______ for foreigners on the basis of Schengen Agreements.

(a) citizenship; (b) passport; (c) visa; (d) license.

3. Complete the passage below, using the words from the box:

unite; cooperation; common objective; integration; Europe; peace and prosperity; solutions; negotiations

Дата добавления: 2015-08-27; просмотров: 523. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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Studopedia.info - Студопедия - 2014-2024 год . (0.009 сек.) русская версия | украинская версия