Студопедия — FORMATION. The Future Perfect Continuous (Progressive) tense is formed with the help of the Future Perfect Tense of the auxiliary verb to be and the Present Participle
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FORMATION. The Future Perfect Continuous (Progressive) tense is formed with the help of the Future Perfect Tense of the auxiliary verb to be and the Present Participle

The Future Perfect Continuous (Progressive) tense is formed with the help of the Future Perfect Tense of the auxiliary verb to be and the Present Participle of the main verb.

Table 12

Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I we     shall/will have been       working   I we     shall not have been / will not have been   working   shall   I we         have been working?  
he she it you they will have been   he she it you they will not have been   will     he she it you they


The Future Perfect Continuous (Progressive) tense-form denotes an action lasting for a period of time up to or inclu­ding a certain future moment. This future moment can be indicated by an adverbial with the preposition 'by' or by another future action. As with all the perfect continuous tenses the Future Perfect Continuous is preferred to the Future Perfect when the speaker wants to emphasize the progressive character of an action.

By five o'clock I'll have been doing this crossword puzzle for two hours.

By the time he arrives in London Max will havebeen driving for nearly five hours.

Compare the use of the different tense-forms to express future actions in English.

1. If you come tonight, I am sure you 'II have much fun.

2. It's Jane's birthday in August. She will be sixteen.

3. Phew! It's hot here. - Yes, it is. I'll turn on the air con­ditioning.

4. She said she would go to college if she did well in her

exams. 5.1 think she'll have heard all about it by the time

I see her. 6.1 am going to take my driving test on Wednesday.

7. Take a warm coat. It's very cloudy. I think it is going to snow.

8. Our guests arrive by the 11.50 train.

9. They are opening an exhibition here next year.

10. How long will you have been studying English by the end of the year?


Open the brackets using an appropriate Future tense where necessary.


1. I (take) my sun-glasses in case it is sunny.

2. I don't think I can join you because my aunt and uncle (stay) with us this weekend.

3. You don't work in class! I (phone) your mother about this.

4. I (watch) television from eight o'clock to midnight.

5. When you (repair) my bike, Daddy?-1 (do) it tomorrow if I have time.

6. It's so crowded in here. I think, I (faint). -1 (take) you outside for a while.

7. I don't know when the concert (be) over.

8. If he doesn't come I (be) upset.

9. By the end of the summer he (teach) me to work with the computer.

10. Have a good time in Italy! - Thanks. I (send) you a postcard.

11. I think you (like) Nick when you meet him.

12. I (cook) spaghetti in case you get hungry.

13. I feel terrible. I think I (have) to go to bed.

14. This is an excellent machine which (give) you many years of service.

15. They (move) to a new flat next week.

16. This time tomorrow I (lie) on the beach.

17. If you ask I'm sure he (offer) to help.

18. What you (do) tomorrow evening?

19. We (visit) Vienna on Tuesday, then (go) to Paris on Wed­nesday and only afterwards we (spend) a few days in London.

20. Either you keep quiet or I (have) to ask you to leave.

21. We both hope that your leg (be) better in a couple of weeks and you (be able) to come to the wedding.

22. I never thought Jack (be) so much upset.

23. I (have) another English lesson this week.

24. I (see) you at the conference.

25. The bus (leave) at eight o'clock on Monday morning.

26. We (go) to visit Estonia this summer. We've already received the visas.

27. As soon as I (hear) the results I (let) you know.

28. Supposing it (snow). What we (do)'?

29. Look at the sun! It (go) to be a hot day tomorrow.

30. When they (find out) about this, there (be) trouble. 31.1 was sure he (be late).

32. When the train (arrive) tomorrow night?

33. He felt that he (have) to count on himself only.

34. They told us they (go) to the States in three weeks.

35. You (work) late tomorrow night?

36. This parcel looks heavy. I (take) it to the post office for you.

37. Can you meet Jack at the station, please? He (arrive) at nine o'clock on the train from Oxford.

38. Quick! The museum (close) in a quarter of an hour.

39. It is still raining so I think I (have) to take an umbrella.

40. They assured us that we (not/regret) if we (join) them in the disco.

41. You (have) to stay at home until you (get) rid of your bad cough.

42. According to the weather forecast snow (fall) by the end of December.

43. Autumn has come. The trees (lose) their leaves in a few weeks.

44. They (not/go) to the football match tomorrow, because they (work) at that time.

45. He told me that when he (be) in Japan for five years he (write) a book.

46. By the time you (get) back, Simon (leave).

47 Please, don't wear indoor shoes in the gymnasium, or you (damage) the floor.

48. What you (say) if you (see) her?

49 The Stones (be) married for thirty years in May.

50. I have to be back at 3.30, so I (leave) before lunch.

51 By the end of the month she (work) in this company for three years.

52. Why don't you come with us? We (go) to have a lot of fun.

53. I (take) my exams on Monday so I think I (stay) in on Saturday night.

54. The children (be) really hungry when they (get) home because they (run) around all afternoon without any food.

55. Why don't you come round at 9 o'clock? The children (go) to bed at that time so it (be) nice and peaceful.

56. I (not/go) to speak to her until she (apologize).

57. Martin asked me if I (help) him with English.

58. We (drive) over five hundred kilometres by the time we (reach) the border.

59. You (be) sick if you (eat) more chocolate.

60. Look out! We (go) to hit the car in front.

61. Don't phone too early because I (put) the baby to bed.

62. By the time I (qualify) I (study) law for six years.

63. He was not quite sure when his parents (come) home.

64. Bob didn't know if the time-table for the next week (change).

65. By the time you (get) back, all the food (go).

66. You (not/be) able to enter the building if you (not/have) your identity card.

67. The doctor told Carol that a week in the country (make) her feel better.

68. When I (learn) a thousand English words, I (be) able to read a newspaper?

69. We (return) the reference material to the check-out-desk after we (examine) it.

70. Tom promised that he (phone) us again at the weekend.

71. The film probably (not/finish) until midnight.

72. We were anxious if the police (find) the criminal.

73. Hopefully she (cook) dinner for us by the time we (get) home.

74. I'm sure if we don't get there before seven they (eat and drink) everything.

75. I hope you (not/forget) your promise by tomorrow.

76. You (see) Nick tomorrow by any chance?

77. I'm sure you (recover) by then from the shock of meeting Jason here.

78. I (stay) up late tonight to watch a film on television.

79. By Christmas I (work) in this office for ten years.

80. A new video shop (open) today. I (meet) my friends there this afternoon.


A: What you (do) tonight?

B: I (try) to finish my homework because I (go) to my cousin's wedding on Saturday and I (not/be able) to do

it then.

A: What time the wedding (start) on Saturday?

B: The ceremony (begin) at 2 o'clock, then I (go) to the party in the evening.

A: (be) any of your friends there?

B: Well, my cousin says I can bring a friend. You (do) anything on Saturday night?

A: No, but I (feel) shy if I don't know anyone.

B: Never mind. It (be) a big party and I'm sure you (have) a great time.

A: O.K., then. Thanks very much.


Dear Mum,

bv the time you receive this letter I (finish) my final exam and, whether they went well or not, I (celebrate). I (start) looking for a job at the end of the summer because I (go) on holiday around Europe for a month, starting next week. Sue (probably/come) with me, although she's not sure yet. If she does, I'm sure we (have) a great time. I (aee) her this evening, as usual, so I expect she (tell) me her decision then. Anyway, mv first exam (start) at 9 o'clock tomorrow so I (drive) down to the library to do some last-minute revision. Even though I (study) Russian for four years by the time these exams are over, I feel I've still got a lot to learn about the language. Give my love to Sam and Rover.

Yours, Jason


Dear Debbie,

since you want to know what I (do) next week, I thought I (write) and let you know. It (be) a very busy week. On Mon­day I (go) to York. I probably (be) there for three days and by Wednesday I (meet) every important artist in the town. If everything goes well, I (go) to Newcastle on Thursday morning. There I (meet) the chairman of the Arts Council. Then on Friday and Saturday I (visit) several small towns in the area to see what their galleries are like. By Sunday I (travel) for days and I imagine I (be) very tired. So it looks like I (not/come) to your party on Sunday night. Sorry! I hope you (invite) me to the next one. Give my love to Mike.

Love, Susan

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