Студопедия — Complete the sentences using nouns formed from the verbs in brackets.
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Complete the sentences using nouns formed from the verbs in brackets.

1. The... of America was made in 1492 by Christopher Columbus, (discover)

2. I can't tell the...difference between butter and margarine, (differ)

3. Susie takes after her father in....appearance (appear)

4. The staff at this hotel is excellent. They give very good.... (serve)

5. The... to the park is through the gate over there, (enter)

6. The American... of this word is different from the British, (use)

7. We'll have to stay at this hotel. There's no.... (choose)

8. You need more... if you want to speak good English, (practise)

9. The police said they were awaiting further.... (develop)

10. He can't get over the... of so much money, (lose)

11. She accepted his... for his rude behaviour at dinner, (apologize)

12. There is a... at the bottom of the letter, but I can't make it out. (sign)

13. I made an... to see the dentist tomorrow, (appoint)

14. The film didn't come up to our... at all. (expect)

15. It will be very helpful if you continue your.... (investigate)

16. She has a very wide...knowledge of modern arts, (know)

17. The police suspect him of being guilty but they have no....provement (prove)

18. The government is due to announce its economic...proposition shortly, (propose)

19. The college expects a high standard of... from its stu­dents, (behave)

20. Three boys in the school had the same name, which caused some....confusion (confuse)

21. My uncle was given a medal in... of his service, (recognize)

22. This is the city's... district, full of cinemas and theatres, (entertain)

23. Can I see the manager? I have a... about my room, (complain)

24. We should be ready for the... at 5 sharp, (depart)

25. I can't give my... today because I've got a sore throat, (speak)

26. He considered himself a.... He hadn't succeeded in anything, (fail)


_ ance important - importance -ity popular - popularity
-cy vacant - vacancy - ment excited - excitement
_ ence silent - silence -ty necessary - necessity
- ion attractive - attraction - y difficult - difficulty
_ (i)ness lazy — laziness    
  kind - kindness    

The nouns formed from adjectives in the list below do not follow the above patterns.

deep - depth free - freedom high - height hot - heat

long - length poor - poverty proud - pride strong - strength

young - youth warm - warmth wide - width wise - wisdom

Make nouns from the following adjectives. Check your variants with the dictionary.





































Complete the sentences using nouns formed from the adjectives in brackets.

1.... is one of the world's great problems, (poor)

2. I think it shows...strenght of character to admit you are wrong, (strong)

3. Summer came and the... became quite oppressive, (hot)

4. I was told that you have a...vacancy for a computer operator, (vacant)

5. He was delighted by the... of the welcome he received, (warm)

6....necessity is the mother of invention, (necessary)

7.... on the screen is one of the most topical issues, (violent)

8. If you want to find a good job you should gain more.... (confident)

9. The... of the water in this lake is more than twelve metres, (deep)

10. He is famous for his.... He gives large sums of money to charity, (generous)

11. I am sure that his... was caused by overwork, (ill)

12. After staying in England for a couple of months he spoke English with greater.... (fluent)

13. Please have a little.... We'll have to wait for another hour, (patient)

14. The... of this bus service is about one every ten minutes, (frequent)

15. Though it was his first visit to the town he found the right hotel without any....dificulty (difficult)

16. According to a survey, the...popularity of this television channel has increased over the last three months, (popular)

17. My uncle is a figure of some...importance in the academic world, (important)

18. I will always remember the... of the welcome I received in your country, (warm)

19. To bring up children to be normal, well-adjusted human beings requires great..., and perhaps a bit of luck, (wise)

20. In the... we couldn't make out if there was anyone at the entrance, (dark)

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