Студопедия — Put one of the above prefixes in each space to make the word which follows opposite in meaning.
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Разделы: Автомобили Астрономия Биология География Дом и сад Другие языки Другое Информатика История Культура Литература Логика Математика Медицина Металлургия Механика Образование Охрана труда Педагогика Политика Право Психология Религия Риторика Социология Спорт Строительство Технология Туризм Физика Философия Финансы Химия Черчение Экология Экономика Электроника

Put one of the above prefixes in each space to make the word which follows opposite in meaning.

1. It is the most... believable story I've ever heard.

2. I am afraid this is a very... convenient arrangement.

3. The country became... dependent soon after the end of World War II.

4. My parents... approve of early marriages.

5. John left his job because he was... able to deal with such a large amount of work.

6. When the ambulance came, the man was... conscious after being knocked down by a car.

7. It's his first job and he is very... experienced.

8. We had a long talk but we still... agree on a number of points.

9. Last summer I stayed in Paris for two weeks. It was an... forgettable experience.

10. It was dark in the corridor and it took us ages to... lock the door.

11. The sitting-room looks... tidy after last night's party.

12. Sailing in a boat during the storm was a very... pleasant experience.

13. The weather is... usually warm for this time of the year.

14. He's usually rather... patient and... friendly, but I must say he was very sympathetic when I told him about my family problems.

15. He just can't stop talking. He goes on and on about totally... important things.

16. We were surprised that he... appeared without saying a word to his friends.

17. Some of the spectators... agreed with the referee's decision.

18. The English verbs fall into two groups: regular and... regular verbs.

19. It is... legal to bring goods into a country without paying tax.

20. I wouldn't like to share a flat with an... tidy person.

Mixed practice.

Use the words given in capitals at the end of each

Form a word that fits in the space in proper line.


Architects responsible for the_____ot many CONSTRUCT

skyscrapers believe that a tall building must

always have a certain minimum_____but that WIDE

there is no limit to its absolute_____. This HIGH

means that the skyscrapers of the future are likely to be even taller.

Engineers agree with this, but there is_____ AGREE

over the best shape for very tall, slim buildings.

The effects of wind_____mean that cylindrical PRESS

designs have enjoyed some_____in recent POPULAR

years, and these are quite pleasing to the eye.

Would these tall buildings of the future offer

more than a_____view? Some believe tall WONDER

towers could contain all the_____for modern REQUIRE

living. The_____of these vertical villages INHABIT

would travel up and down between their home

and work zones and would_____need to RARE

journey to the ground level.


The site of the town of Winchester was a_____ NATURE

place for a_____, at the point where a river SETTLE

cut through the chalk of the_____hillsides. SOUTH

A simple camp at St Catherine's Hill was the

____known use of the site. It was the Romans EARLY

who finally established the town and_____it ROUND

with a defensive wall for the protection of their people and trade.

With the_____of its first cathedral in the BUILD

seventh century, the town became an important

_____centre. Later, King Alfred, who had RELIGION

_____pushed back the invading Danes, moved SUCCESS

his palace to Winchester. The town then expe­rienced rapid_____, and its _____role in DEVELOP CENTRE

English history was underlined in 1066 when the conquering Normans, like Alfred, made Winchester their capital.




A. General questions

auxiliary verb subject group main verb object adverbial modifier

Is the man smoking a pipe?

Have you given up smoking?

May I have a look at your photos?

Do you remember our trip to Brussels?

Did it rain last night?

Was anyone late for the meeting?

Is there any money in the box?

B. Special questions

All types of special questions except questions about the subject of the sentence

interrogative word auxiliary verb subject group main verb object adverbial modifier

Questions about the subject of the sentence

interrogative word predicate object adverbial modifier

Who lives in that old brick house? What are you looking at? What can I do to help you? What is there on the floor?

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