Студопедия — What I Usually Do by Day
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What I Usually Do by Day

Let me introduce myself. My name is Oleg Petrov. I am from a small town Lysva. I work and study. I am a part-time student at the college of commerce.

I get up at 7 o’clock, wash my face, neck, hands and brush my teeth, dry myself with a towel. I make bed and do exercises. After that I have breakfast. Then I put on a coat and a hat and go to the office.

I work there from 9 in the morning till 4 in the afternoon. At 1 o’clock in the day time I have dinner as usual.

On my way home from work I drop in the shop to buy some food. I come home at a quarter to 5. In a quarter of an hour we, my family and I, have tea.

In the evening I usually watch TV, read books or newspapers. Sometimes I go to the cinema or to the theatre or visit my friends.

I have supper at 8 o’clock. I have a bath at 11 o’clock and then go to bed.


1. Do you do exercises in the morning?

2. When do you have breakfast (dinner, supper)?

3. When do you go to work?

4. How long do you stay at work?

5. When do you get up?

6. Where do you have dinner?

7. When do you come home?

8. What do you do in the evening?

9. Do you often go to the cinema (theatre, concerts)?

10. Do you go in for sports?

11. What sport do you prefer?

12. Do you visit your friends?

13. Do you read books, newspapers or magazines, watch TV, listen to the music?

14. When do you have a shower or a bath?

15. When do you usually go to bed?

Ответьте на вопросы, используя образец:

1. How long does it take you to do exercises?

- It takes me 15 minutes.

2. How long does it take you to have breakfast (dinner, supper)?

- It takes me 10 minutes (half an hour, 20 minutes).

3. How long does it take you to go to work?

4. How long does it take you to wash up?

5. How long does it take you to go in for sports?

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Great Britain consists of four main parts: England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Administratively Great Britain is divided into 55 counties. The biggest of cities of Great Britain are London, Birmingham, Glasgow, Liverpool, Manchester, Edinburgh, and Cardiff.

England is the largest part of Great Britain. Wales is a peninsular in the south – west of the island of Great Britain. It occupies about 9 % of its territory with the population of 4.8 % of the total population. Scotland is the most northern part of Great Britain with a territory of 32 % of the total territory and with a population of 9 % of the total population of Great Britain. Northern Ireland occupies the north – east part of the island of Ireland. Its territory amounts to 5.2 % of the total territory of Great Britain. The main cities of Northern Ireland are Belfast and Londonderry.

Great Britain is a parliamentary monarchy. Officially the head of state is the Queen (or the King). However, the power of the Queen in Great Britain is not absolute. She acts only on the advice of the ministers and Parliament. There is no written constitution in Great Britain. The main principles of British legislation are expressed in other documents, like “Magna Charta”, “Habeas Corpus Act”, “Bill of Rights”, the Parliamentary Act. British legislation does not provide written guarantees of individual political rights.

Parliament in Great Britain consists of two Houses – the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The House of Lords consists of 1000 peers who are not elected by the people. The House of Commons is a nation-wide representative body which is elected by the people at a general election, within 5 years of the last election. After the general election the Queen appoints the head of the government – the Prime Minister. As a rule, the Prime Minister is the leader of the governing party. The Prime Minister appoints the ministers to make up the government.

There are two main political parties in Great Britain: the Conservative party and the Labour party.

Great Britain is a highly-developed industrial country. The main fields of British industry are machine-building, ship-building, metallurgy, and electronics.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 494. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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