Студопедия — Grammar Study. Exercise 1. Put the verbs in brackets into the right form:
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Grammar Study. Exercise 1. Put the verbs in brackets into the right form:

Exercise 1. Put the verbs in brackets into the right form:

1. The School … scholars and visitors from abroad. (to attract)

2. They … specialists on various subjects. (to consult)

3. The University … 2,000 of its students with rooms. (to provide)

4. In this way they … experience of organizational work (to gain).

5. The Preliminary Programme … the first two or three terms.

(to occupy)

6. They … a firm foundation of knowledge. (to provide)

7. At the end of the year the students … the relevant examinations. (to pass)

8. Various activities … in the cultural center. (to take place)

9. A course assessment … laboratory work too. (to include)

Exercise 2. Study the example and complete the exercise:

The students wish to obtain a degree, but they do not wish to attend full-time courses.

1. Their jobs require common knowledge, … specialized knowledge.

2. A school comprises the study of several disciplines, … research work.

3. The Anglo-Saxon system awards Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees, … Engineer’s degree.

4. The Polytechnic offers courses of study in technical subjects, … courses in social science.

5. The technical students receive teaching in the technical science field, … teaching in the social science.

6. The University provides supervision for MPhil degree, … it for PhD degree.

7. The Preliminary Program consists of introductory units, … advanced units.

8. A school prepares students for practical work, … them for independent scientific work.


Exercise 3.Put the verb in brackets into the Past Indefinite Tense:

1. The Student’s Union (offer) its members a wide range of services.

2. It (serve) students in thirteen colleges and schools.

3. They (build) a number of traditional halls of residence.

4. Its laboratory (receive) international attention.

5. An engineer (design) something that (fit) its purpose.

6. In 1849 it (become) possible for an institution to present students for degrees.

7. They (see) many rapid changes in the University.

8. This knowledge (derive) from science and practice.

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences below with these verbs using Future:Indefinite:

determine, help, comprise, link, need, list, result.

1.The supervisor … the students to define the area of research.

2. The campus … a series of houses.

3. A computerized catalogue system … all four University libraries.

4. The results of the assessment … the class of degree.

5. The journal … the top 10 universities in the country.

6. An engineer … a basis of knowledge and technique.


Exercise 5. Complete each part of A with one from B:


a) The School offers teaching and research,

b) This assessment will determine the class

of degree, a. hasn’t it?

c) The student discussed his drafts with b. didn’t he?

a supervisor, c. aren’t there

4. They consult specialists in various d. wasn’t it?

subjects, e. doesn’t it?

5. A lodging is “bed and breakfast” f. won’t it?

accommodation in a private house, g. isn’t it?

6. It has a tradition of almost 50 years h. don't they?

of scholarship,

7. His advice was extensive,

8. There are two major organizations

in the University,

Exercise 6. What did…? Where did…? When did…?

Ex. He entered the University. Where did he enter?

An engineer needed the ability to create something.

Their machines transformed energy.

The London School of Economics became a newcomer in 1895.

They offered the students places in a campus.

The student’s population expanded 20 years ago.

The University offered a full range of programs.

It served students in thirteen colleges and schools.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 1182. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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