Студопедия — Text B. Computer Science at University
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Text B. Computer Science at University

1. Computer Science at University College, Cardiff is taught by the Department of Computing Mathematics within three main degree schemes: Computer Systems, Computing and Statistics and Computing within Mathematics.

2. Each of the degrees involves substantial use of the department’s Micro-Computing Laboratory for regular tutorial work and longer term projects. This Laboratory, one of the best in the country, houses a range of about 30 micro-computers and is equipped with printers, graphics equipment and other devices. In addition the department owns a large PDP-11 minicomputer system which is used exclusively by the staff and students in computing.

3. The degree in Computer Systems is taught in conjunction with the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. The syllabus covers both the hardware and software aspects of Computer Science and lays especial emphasis on the interface between the two. Its aim is to give a balanced knowledge of micro-, mini- and mainframe computer systems, how they are constructed and how they are used. Apart from lectures, students undertake project work to develop their ability in order to carry out independent design and implementation of computing system components (hardware and software).

4. Students who wish to read for a degree in Mathematics have the opportunity to take courses in computing which amount to more than half of their degree work. The courses available cover the main software topics of Computer Science, and the principal connections between Computing and Mathematics.


Exercise 2.Are the following statements true? If not, change them.

a) The University which is spoken about is situated in Cambridge.

b) Micro-Computing Laboratory is equipped with printers, graphics equipment and other devices.

c) The aim of the syllabus is to give a balanced knowledge of micro-, mini- and mainframe computer systems.

d) Apart from lectures, students work in various enterprises to develop their ability.

e) Courses in Computing amount to a half of degree work in Mathematics.


Exercise 3.What passages do the ideas given below refer to?

A the department’s Micro-Computing Laboratory

B three main degree schemes

C the degree in Computing with Mathematics

D the degree in Computer Systems

These words will help you understand Text C:

flexibility (n) – гибкость

enable (v) – давать возможность

relatively (adv) – относительно

list (n) – список

choose (v) – выбирать

choice (n) – выбор

adjust (v) – устанавливать

match (v) – подходить, cоответствовать

assessment (n) – оценка

judgement (n) – суждение

gain (v) – достигать

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