Студопедия — We Need Better Ways to Deal with Drug Problems
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We Need Better Ways to Deal with Drug Problems

When I looked at the U.S. drug policy and the way we handle addicts, I was embarrassed. Most of Europe and Australia have decided that there is no such thing as a drug-free society. In light of that, they have decided to experiment in ways the U.S. government would never dream of doing.

They have needle exchange programs, which have helped drive down the spread of AIDS. Methadone, a synthetic drug that stops heroin-withdrawal symptoms without giving a high – much like nicotine gum for smokers – is being used to help heroin addicts.

The Netherlands have outlawed “hard drugs” such as cocaine and heroin while “soft drugs” like marijuana and cannabis have been legalized. Heroin addicts can go to doctors and receive a prescription for methadone that will allow them to have a job and function in society.

Compare all this with the U.S. policy of throwing first-time offenders in prison with little, if any, form of treatment. Nearly 30 per cent of inmates in state and federal prisons are there for drug-related incidents. Obviously, building more prisons doesn’t seem to be the answer.

I believe the answer lies in treatment and regulation. Treating drug addicts as less than human doesn’t help anyone. The addict doesn’t believe that he or she is worth help, and society loses a potentially productive member. Throwing someone in jail for life on a first offence, (a law Michigan has on its books), is denying individuals the chance to start over before they’re in too deep.

Controlling the drugs seems to be the most realistic answer. In the United States, New York and Baltimore have tried some alternative methods to control their drug problems. New York had a needle-exchange program that allowed drug users to bring in their old needles and trade them for clean ones. The spread of HIV dropped from 6 per cent to 2 per cent.

California has chosen to legalize marijuana in small doses. If they catch you carrying or selling it on the street, chances are you’ll be arrested, but having a small amount in your home is no longer an offence. The police estimate they have saved at least a billion dollars in manpower and legal costs.

Basically, what it comes down to is that the old methods have had their chance. The time has come to try something new, by having a few drugs legalized and the rest regulated, so abuse won’t be nearly as frequent. The price will go down, and those who want help will be able to get it without risk of arrest.

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Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 617. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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