Студопедия — I. Warming up and Vocabulary Work
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I. Warming up and Vocabulary Work

I.1 Read the dialogues and do the tasks given after them:

Dialogue A:

Julia: Is this a workshop?

Instructor: Yes, you are quite right. It is a workshop and there are many tools for you practice here. They are made of different engineering materials.

Paul: What are these materials called?

Instructor: They are called plastic,glass, wood, rubber and metal.

Michael: I think steel, iron, copper are widely used for making tools.

Instructor: That is right. These metals are widely used for making bolts, screws, pipes, nuts, wires, etc.


Dialogue B:

Paul: Look. There is a box of nuts and bolts. They are made of steel.

Julia: And that wire is made of copper isn’t it?

Michael: Yes, it is. What about this hammer? Is it made of copper too?

Paul: No, it is not. It is made of wood and steel. This handle is made of wood and the head is made of steel.

Julia: Michael, give me that beaker, please.

Michael: Be careful, Julia. Don’t drop it. It is made of glass. Put it here on the shelf.


I.2 Translate the marked words into Russian, and remember them.

I.3 Match the English phrases with the Russian equivalents:

1. cast iron a. пластмассовая коробка
2. a plastic box b.железный болт
3. a steel pipe c. стеклянная ваза
4. a copper cup d. чугун
5. a glass e. медная чашка
6. an iron bolt f. стальная труба.

I.4 Learn the words to the topic; translate them into Russian and remember them:

Nouns Adjectives Verbs
alloy conductivity density hardness heat elasticity load manufacturing property mixture plasticity machinery resistance quality valuable elastic (non)ferrous malleable stiff strong resistant superior stainless chemical mechanical physical brittle crystal design operate test contain corrode apply (to) harden withstand determine pertain (to) preserve  


Pay attention to the use of prepositions in the following word-groups:

To relate to; to vary in; to be widely used in; to form by; to classify into; to be weak (strong, resistant) in; to group in

1.5 Analyze the way of formation of the following words; say what part of speech they are formed from; make all the possible word combinations with them:

Example: superior density (hardness, resistance, conductivity)

Machinery, property, density, conductivity, hardness, resistance, resistant, useful, valuable,

manufacturing, mechanical, physical, mixture.


1.6 Define the syntactical function of the italicized words; translate them into Russian:

1. Engineers in the field of machine construction design, build, operate and test machinery of all types.

2. All metals vary in density, hardness, heat, and electrical conductivity.

3. Alloys steels are those in which some alloying elements in addition to the carbon are presented.

4. Three chief groups of copper alloys used in machine design are brasses, bronze and nickel - copper alloys.

5. Today the most important are alloy steels, which have a lot of special characteristics.

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