Студопедия — I. Warming up and Vocabulary Work. I.1 Read the dialogues; remember the words to characterize metals.
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I. Warming up and Vocabulary Work. I.1 Read the dialogues; remember the words to characterize metals.


I.1 Read the dialogues; remember the words to characterize metals.

Dialogue A:

Paul: Alex, help me, please. This pipe is very heavy.

Alex: Is it really? What material it made of?

Paul: Actually, it is made of metal.

Alex: Why is it made of metal?

Paul: Well, because it is a very strong material. In any case, it is stronger and more rigid than, for example, rubber.

Alex: Is metal an expensive material?

Paul: Yes, it is. It is the most expensive material, as a matter of fact.

Dialogue B:

Alice: Paul, take that pipe, it is rather light.

Paul: Oh! It is very light. What material is it made of?

Alice: It is made of aluminium.

Paul: Why is it made of aluminium?

Alice: Well it is an easy material, but aluminium is less flexible than rubber. In fact, it is the lightest but not the least expensive one.

I.2 Complete the dialogue. Use the words from the previous dialogues.

- Look here… I bet that … is very heavy.

- I’m sure it is not!

- Hmm, What material …?

- …, to my mind …

- … not! Can’t you see?! It’s made of …

- … strong?

- Well. On the one hand, it is …than …. On …, it is less … than ….

I.3 Study the chart and make sentences about different metals and their use.

Example: Aluminium is soft and light. So it is used for aircraft building.

  Materials     Properties   Applications
Aluminium Light, soft, corrosion-resistant, highly conductive Engine components, aircraft
  Copper Heavy, tough, highly conductive, corrosion-resistant Electric wiring, tubing
Mild steel   Iron with 0.15 – 0.3% of carbon General purposes
High carbon steel Hardest of carbon steels, tough, wear-resistant Cutting tools (drills, files, saws, etc.)


I.4 Discuss with your partners the following questions.

· Why are bridges made of steel, not of copper?

· Why are electric wires made of copper, not of plastics?

· Why are aircraft made of aluminium, not of steel

· Why are cutting tools made of steel, not of pure iron


I.5 Learn the words to the topic; translate them into Russian and remember them:

I.6 Learn the words to the topic; translate them into Russian and remember them:

Nouns Adjectives Verbs
metallurgy alloy separation fracture wire lead grain orientation composition toughness fabrication conductivity   dense ductile coarse elastic electric rigid heavy hard soft cheap brittle flexible regular pure slide deform bend draw influence machine


I.7 Find the corresponding definitions to the given words:

1. metallurgy 2. separation 3. fracture 4. grain 5. orientation 6. composition 7. fabrication a. the craft of making and using metals b. the parts that make something c. from Latin: fabricare – to make or forge d. the breaking of something e. a small hard seeds or similar particles f. the process of dividing into parts g. a piece of work or method of working

I.8 Match the given adjectives on the left with the nouns that collocate them on the right:

1. malleable … wire

2. ductile … metal

3. elastic … alloy

4. rigid … material

5. soft … fracture

6. brittle … pipe

7. flexible … detail

I.9 Find the endings of these sentences:

A red material; aluminium; in engineering; the three metals;

a grey elastic metal

  1. Steel, copper and aluminium are widely used ….
  2. Steel is the hardest and the strongest of ….
  3. Copper is ….
  4. Steel is ….
  5. The lightest and the most flexible is ….


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