Студопедия — Exercises on grammar. 1. Select the correct form in parentheses in the following sentences.
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Exercises on grammar. 1. Select the correct form in parentheses in the following sentences.

1. Select the correct form in parentheses in the following sentences.

1. Of the four dresses, I like the red one (better/best). 2. Phil is the (happier/happiest) person that we know. 3. Pat's car is (faster/fastest) than Dan's. 4. This the (creamier/creamiest) ice cream I have had in a long time. 5. This poster is (colourfuler/more colourful) than the one in the hall. 6. Does Fred feel (weller/better) today than he did yester­day? 7. This vegetable soup tastes very (good/well). 8. While trying to balance the baskets on her head, the woman walked (awkwarder/more awkwardly) than her daughter. 9. Jane is the (less/least) athletic of all the women. 10. My cat is the (prettier/prettiest) of the two.

2. Do you need a definite article? Open the brackets.

Hi, I'm Cidy Castello. My parents and I came to New York three years ago. We're from Greenville, Tennessee. Greenville is a small place where (unemployment) is very high. So you can imagine that my parents didn't decide to come here because of (freedom) that (people) try to find in a place like New York. We didn't come to live near (skyscrapers) of Manhattan either. Like most people we don't like (noise). And (noise) of traffic in New York is worse than in Greenville. We hate (dirt) that you find in big cities, too. But we still moved. Why? — We did what (people) have always done in (history)of the USA. We moved to a new place that offered better chances for us. And that meant new jobs for my father and my mother.

3. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms (imperative or present simple) of the verbs in parentheses.

Two women... (go) to a city. They... (arrive) at a main street. Laura... (be) very hungry and... (want) to eat right away. Jean... (prefer) to walk around, but three hours later, she... (get) hungry, too.

Jean: It... (be) almost 8.00. Now I... (be) hungry, too. Let's (go) to the Cafe Bon Appetit. My friend... (recommend) it. She... (say) they... (serve) great French food there and it... (have) a wonderful atmosphere.

Laura: Okay, okay. Where... (be) it?

Jean: I... (not know).... (ask) that woman.

Laura: Okay, (to the woman)... (excuse) me, ma'am. Where... (be) the cafe Bon Appetit?... you... (know)?

Woman: Yes, I... (do). You... (go) two blocks straight down this street. Then... (turn) right and... (cross) the street.

Jean: Thanks a lot.

They... (walk) two blocks.

Laura:... we... (turn) left there?

Jean: Yes, we... (do), I... (think).... No... we... (not, do). Wait... yes....

Jean... (go) left, and Laura... (follow). They... (walk) for a half-hour. Finally they... (return) to the main street.

Laura: I... (not see) the Cafe Bon Appetit. But I... (need) some food — now!... (look)!. There... (be) a fast-food pizza place on the corner.

Jean: But... you... (not want) to go to a nice restaurant?

They only... (serve) junk food there. There... (be) great res­taurants in the city. I... (want)...

Laura:... (run) to the pizza place. Jean... (hurry) after her.

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