Студопедия — Talking Too Much
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Talking Too Much

There is nothing much worse than interviewing someone who goes on and on and on... The interviewer really doesn't need to know your whole life story. Keep your answers succinct, to-the-point and focused and don't ramble - simply answer the question.

Don't get sidetracked and start talking about your personal life - your spouse, your home life or your children are not topics you should delve into. No matter how warm, welcoming or genial your interviewer may be, an interview is a professional situation - not a personal one.

Avoid this mistake by using nonverbal communication to impress your potential employer.

Top 10 Things Not to Say In a Job Interview

Ø How much does this job pay? Don't be the first to bring up salary, if you can help it. Mentioning pay can send the message that all you are after is money, an especially grave sin at the first meeting.

Ø My boss was incompetent, a jerk, an idiot or anything else disparaging. Prospective employers will likely side with your current or previous supervisor and assume you will be difficult to manage.

Ø Saying I'll have your job when asked where you see yourself five years from now. Displaying confidence is a good thing, but overly cocky statements will not endear you to interviewers.

Ø I hate my job, perhaps in response to a question like why are you applying for a new position. A better approach is to emphasize why the new position is appealing and, when reflecting on your current job, to emphasize what you have learned and skills you have developed.

Ø You look great. Avoid any comments that could be interpreted as flirtatious no matter how stunning your interviewer appears.

Ø I'm not aware of any weaknesses when asked to share some shortcomings. Always be prepared to communicate some weaknesses; just make sure the quality is not central to the job. Sharing a historical weakness that you have worked towards improving can be an effective strategy.

Ø Why have earnings slumped at your company during the past two quarters? A better angle would be to stay clear of anything sounding negative. Rather, frame your question more neutrally. For example: "In your view what are some of the biggest challenges which your company faces at this juncture"?

Ø Can I work from home or how much vacation would I get? Save these types of questions until after you have been offered a position or the employer might question your motivation or work ethic.

Ø You'll regret it if you don't hire me, I'm the most qualified. You can't possibly know this unless you have met and evaluated all the other candidates. Overconfidence is a real turn off to employers.

Ø I don't have any questions for you. Prepare some questions to ask that build upon your company research or something which your interviewer has shared with you. Another approach is to ask the interviewer a question about their experience with the organization, such as: "What do you enjoy most about working at ABC company"?

Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 797. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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