Студопедия — I. Read and translate the text. II. Answer the following questions:
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I. Read and translate the text. II. Answer the following questions:

II. Answer the following questions:

Why is food and beverage service considered to be a major factor in hotel operation?

How can the income from the food and beverage services be increased?

What kinds of food service are offered by department hotels?

What are the responsibilities of the food and beverage" manager?

What other jobs are vital in this area? Why?

What is a chef responsible for?

When is he called the executive chef?

What are the duties of the kitchen helpers? dishwashers?

What people work in the front of the house?

What are the duties of a captain? the wine stuart?

How else are they called? Why are many job titles in French?

How is payment made?

What is the functions of a bar? What does the word mean?

What else can a cocktail lounge offer?

III. Sum up what you've learned from the text about:

the importance of food and beverage service for the hotel
industry; *

the job responsibilities of the management staff; the jobs in the kitchen;

the people who work in the restaurant itself, helping the customers;

bars and cocktail lounges.

IV. Find in the text words or phrases which cor­respond to the following definitions:

1. A breakfast customarily consisting of bread or rolls
and coffee is called_________.


2. __________is the word for table linens such as tablecloths and napkins.

3. __________is the person in charge of storing and is­ suing food, beverages and kitchen and dining-room supplies in a hotel food and beverage service department.

4. __________ is a French word, designating a head cook in American usage. Many large kitchen organizations distinguish between the head or execu­tive _________, who plans and supervises the cook­ing, and the cook,who actually does the cooking it­self. There are also many specialized, who prepare sauces, salads, desserts and so on.

5. _________ _________is an employee who does such chores as cutting up vegetables in a kitchen.

6. In a restaurant _________ or _________ are the employees who go to the customers' tables» take their orders, and then bring the prepared food to the tables.

7. __________ is an employee who seats a guest in a res­taurant. In some restaurants, he may also take the guest's order. This employee is also known sometimes as the French maitre d' hotel. In larger restaurants, there may be a maitre d' and several ____________under his supervision. A woman who greets and seats the guests in a restaurant is known as a __________. The duties of the ___________and the __________ may vary according to management policies.

8. A restaurant employee who pours water, empties ash­trays, cleans the tables, and so on is called ________.

9. A restaurant employee who serves wines and some­times other drinks is called __________. This person is called the sommelier in French, an expression also used in English.

10. is the employee who mixes and serves drinks at a bar or in a cocktail lounge.

V. Read and translate Text 2:

Providing meals and drinks in the guests' rooms is another service extended by most hotels. Room service is ordered by telephone from a menu that is placed in each room. The menu itself is some cases is the same as the one for the dining room, but more often it is simplified to make for easier preparation and service.

Special employees take the orders and special waiters carry them to the rooms. To cut down on orders for ice and soft drinks, many hotels nowadays have machines on each floor to dispense these items.

Room service in most hotels closes down at the same time the kitchen does, normally ten o'clock and midnight. Some hotels, however, are prepared to provide sandwiches even during the late-night hours. Some luxury hotels have small kitchens or pantries on each floor that are used either for warming food or for preparing breakfasts. More room service orders are for breakfast than for any other meal. In some hotels, the guest can order breakfast before he goes to bed by filling in a slip which he leaves outside his door. The meal is then served at the time the guest has specified.

Even in hotels with more than one restaurant, there is usually just one central kitchen. The special types of food served in the various restaurants are normally prepared by different chefs and cooks rather than in separate kitchens.

Like the housekeeping department, the food and beverage department needs additional space for storage of the many items that must be kept on hand for the restaurants and bars. These items include not only the food and beverage themselves, but items such as table linens, dishes, knives, forks, spoons, plate warmers, trays, ashtrays, aprons and dish towels.

One food and beverage facility that is often not connected with the main hotel kitchen is the snack bar.

The snack bar is a small unit that provides fast-order food and drink service to guests who are using the hotel's swimming pool or some other recreational facility.

Snack bars are a prominent feature of resort hotels. Where the recreational facilities are in great demand, the snack bar often has its own staff of cooks, usually of the short-order variety, and waiters and waitresses. Hotels generally employ a large number of workers in proportion to the number of guests. The restaurant business as a whole is one of the most labour-intensive of all industries, and this is true whether the restaurant is in a hotel or not.

Much of the activity in connection with food and beverage service is invisible^ to the guests, but many of the employees in the department have frequent contact with them.

These especially include the dining-room and room service personnel. They must adhere to the same standards of hospitality and courtesy as all other employees who meet and talk with the guests in the hotel.

Answer the questions:

How is room service different form providing food in a restaurant?

How is it usually arranged?

What do luxury hotels provide for their guests?

How many kitchens are needed to meet all the requirements of the guests?

Why does the food and beverage department need additional space?

What is a snack bar?

Why are they a prominent feature of resort hotels?

Why is the restaurant business labour-intensive?

Why do employees in the restaurant business have to be friendly and polite?

Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 1915. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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