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Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets: past simple, past continuous or past perfect


I woke up (wake up) on the morning of the maths exam with a horrible feeling in my stomach. I knew that I _______ (not study) enough the night before and that I was going to fail. When left home it _______ (rain) and there was a lot of traffic. I ________ (arrive) five minutes late and the exam ________ (already / start). I sat down quickly and looked at the questions. I _______(not can) answer any of them! It was the most difficult exam the teacher _______(ever / give) us. I ______(sit) next to one of my friends called Sophie and I could see that she _______ (write) very quickly. She was great at maths. Suddenly I had an idea. I ______ (look) at the teacher, Mr.Everitt.
He _______(stand) by the window and he ________(not look) at us. I wrote a message on a piece of paper and ______ (throw) it to Sophie. It said ‘I need help’. Sophie _______(already / finish) the exam. She copied the answers on a piece of papered quickly passed it to me. The following day Mr.Everitt ______ (call) us both to his room. We saw that he ________ (hold) my exam paper, and Sophie’s, too. He told us that we ______ (both/ fail) the exam. We _______ (write) exactly the same answers for every question, including several wrong answers.



a) Use your dictionary to find out the names of these sports. How do you pronounce them?

1 ______________________   4 __________________  
2 _____________________   5 ______________________
3 ___________________________   6 ________________________

b) Complete the sentences with a noun from the word in box:

strength height weight depth width length



1 Sumo wrestlers have tremendous __ strength ___.

2 Smokers usually put on _________ when they give up smoking.

3 The average ________ of a professional basketball player is 2.02 metres.

4 What is the standard ________ and ________of a basketball court?

5 Scientists have calculated the ________ of Loch Ness in Scotland to be 150 metres.


a) Look at the photos. Have you ever done any of these sports?

  b) Read Part 1 of an article about five students who do the sports in a. answer the questions: 1 What do the boys study? 2 What’s their house like? 3 How do they earn extra money? 4 How often do they do sport a day? 5 Who do you think is the fittest?  

Part 1.

When you walk into number 4 Walpole Street, Chester, in the North of England, you have to be careful you don’t fall over the mountain bikes, sports bags and various pieces of sports equipment all over the hall. The house is occupied by five sports science students from University College, Chester, who eat, live and breathe sport. They work hard to keep fit. Karl, the canoeist, describes a typical day: “In the morning, we go for a run before breakfast, and then we have lectures at college. Then we go running again and or swimming, and then a quick lunch. In the afternoons we do coaching to earn some extra money, and evenings are spent in the gym or playing football”.

All five boys are obviously fit. But who is the fittest? We asked them to do a series of tests to find out the answer.

c) Look at the questions and in pairs, guess the answers before you read

Part 2. Choose from:

the footballer the tennis player the canoeist the runner the shot putter


1 Who had the least body fat? _________________

2 Who could keep running the longest time? ___________________

3 Who was the most flexible? _____________________

4 Who jumped the highest? _____________________

5 Who was the fastest sprinter? ___________________

6 Who was the slowest? ___________________

7 Who could do the most sit-ups? __________________

8 Who did the fewest? ______________________


d) Read Part 2 of the text. Check your answers.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 3423. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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