Студопедия — Abdominal muscles
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Abdominal muscles

To complete the fitness test, their abdominal muscles were tested by doing continuous sit-ups. The footballer only managed two minutes, and after five minutes the only one left was the tennis player who lasted the full eight minutes.

e) Read Part 3 of the text. Who was the fittest? Who was the least fit? Are you surprised?

So, at the end of the day, who was the fittest? Using a points system for each of the tests, the result was as follows: in last place, the shot putter, then the canoeist, then the footballer. In second place was the tennis player, and the winner was Robert, the runner.


a) Write an information page about the events (for example – “Asiada-2011”, achievements of Kazakh champions in Olympic games in London 2012). If you are not sure about precise or interesting details, feel free to use your imagination. Alternatively, you could research the internet.

b) Read what you have written. Can you improve it in any way? Use the points below to help you:

1 Have you included enough interesting details about the events and its history?

2 Have you described the atmosphere?

3 Check your spelling and punctuation.


c) Look at the photos of the champions of Kazakhstan in London Olympic Games-2012. Write their names in correct order:


Olga Rypakova Akjurek Tanatarov Serik Sapiyev Zulfiya Chinshanlo Iliya Iliyn Kanat Abutalipov Alexander Vinokurov Svetlana Podobedova Daniyal Gadjiyev


1. ____________   2. ____________ 3. _____________  
4. ________________   5. ______________ 6. ______________
7 ______________   8. ___________ 9. ______________



U LISTENING [3.14; 1]


“You can get it if you really want”

Listen to the song and complete the missing verbs.

You can get it if you really want, You can get if you really want, You can get it if you really want, But you m___________ try, try and try, Try and try, You’ll ____________ at last. Persecution you m___________ bear W________ or I ________, you’ve got to g___________ your share get your mind set on a dream you can g_________ it, though hard it seems now You can get it if you really want, etc. Rome was not b_________ in a day, Opposition will not c__________ your way But the harder the battle you s_________, Is the sweeter the victory Now You can get it if you really wt, etc. Glossary persecution = making someone suffer for what they believe your share = the part that belongs to you got your mind = you have your mind set on = fixed on opposition = people or things that are against you   Read the lyrics with the glossary and find a phrase which means: 1 You will get what you want in the end. 2 You have a clear idea what you want to do or get. 3 It takes a long time to do something well. 4 There will be difficulties. 5 If something is very difficult to do, you’ll enjoy it more when you’ve done it.    


$Questions for computer based test

1. Combine the two sentences. Use the verb in bold in the past continuous or past perfect.

Sarah had a siesta from 3.00 to 5.00. Peter picked up the tickets at 4.00. Peter picked up the tickets when Sarah __________ s siesta.

a) was having

b) had

c) will have

d) not have

2. Combine the two sentences. Use the verb in bold in the past continuous or past perfect.

They watched TV from 7.00 until 9.00. I arrived at 7.30. When I arrived, they __________ TV.

a) watched

b) were watching

c) will watch

d) not watch

3. Combine the two sentences. Use the verb in bold in the past continuous or past perfect.

He left the office at 7.00. She phoned him at 8.00. When she phoned him, he __________ the office.

4. Complete with the past simple or past continuous.

The driver _______ control of his car because he ___________ on his mobile.

a) having lost / talking

b) lost / was taking

c) will lose / talk

d) has lost / is talking


Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 872. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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