Студопедия — Ex 305. A. Read, translate and retell the text
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Ex 305. A. Read, translate and retell the text

Ever since my childhood, I have loved nature and the wild creatures who inhabit the countryside, and I have encouraged Jamie and Lissa to respect all living things, to treasure the animals, birds, and insects that frequent Indian Meadows.

Unconsciously, and very often without understanding what they are doing, some children can be terribly cruel, and it always makes me furious when I see them hurting small, defenseless animals, pulling wings off butterflies, grinding their heels into earthworms and snails, throwing stones at birds. I made up my mind long before the twins were born that no child of mine would ever inflict pain on any living thing.

I am extremely partial to the old stonewall property, mostly because it is home for a number of small creatures. I know for a fact that two chipmunks live inside it, as well as a baby rabbit and a black snake. Although I know the chipmunks well and have spotted the bunny from time to time, I have never actually seen the snake. But our gardener, Anna, has, and so have the twins. At least, this is what they claim, most vociferously. To make nature more personal, to bring it closer to them, I invented stories about our little friends who inhabit the garden wall. I tell Jamie and Lissa tales about Algernon, the friendly black snake, who has a weakness 177

for chocolate-covered cherries and wishes he had a candy store; about Tabitha and Henry, the two chipmunks, married with no children, who want to adopt; and about Angelica, the baby bunny rabbit, who harbours an ambition to be in the Fifth Avenue Easter Parade. Jamie and Lissa have come to love these stories of mine; they can't get enough of them, in fact, and I have to repeat them constantly. In order to satisfy my children, I'm forever inventing new adventures, which entails quite a stretch of the imagination on my part.

B. Speak about your attitude toward nature What are your childhood experiences with animals?

Ex. 306. Use the right form of the verbs in brackets.

It was gray and overcast as I (leave) the hotel and (head) towards Berkley Square. I glanced up at the sky. It was leaden and promised rain, which Andrew (predict) before he (go) to the office earlier. Instead of walking to Diana's, which I usually (like) to do, I (hail) a cab and (get) in. Just in time, too. It (begin) to drizzle as I (slam) the door and (give) the cabbie the address. English weather, I (think) glumly, staring out the taxi window. It always (rain). But one not (come) to England for the weather, there (be) other, more important reasons to be here. I always (love) England and the English, and London (be) my most favourite city in the entire world. I (love) it even more than my hometown, New York.

Ex. 307. Translate into English.

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