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Page 192

Leaving this, we proceed to others, who at that time, and afterwards, confessed the same faith, or, at least, as far as we know, did not oppose it.

A. D. 429.-It is recorded that at this time there flourished Cyril, bishop of Alexandria, who,-writing, among other things, on baptism, has left some sound testimony concerning it.

In Bapt. Hist., page 443, the Centurintores Magdeburgenses have made some extracts from Cyril of Alexandria, page 613, where they say that he taught as follows, book 6, on John 14, "Through the -water of the flood, the sins of the whole world were reconciled (or brought to an end),.and those who were concealed 'in the ark, were preserved through the water (of the flood). This was a type of baptism, by which the impurity of all sin is put off, and the old life taken away.";

Again, "A catechumen is anointed (that is, instructed with the Word of God), that he may be taught; for the Greek word catechumenos means, in Latin, one that is being instructed; and he is baptized, that he may know the true light, and receive the remission of all sins; therefore, the virtue or significance of baptism ought not to be esteemed lightly, since it dispels the darkness of the soul, and imparts the light of heaven.";

Page 463, Vicecomes, lib. 2, cap. 24, Cyril of Alexandria (lib. 7, Contra Julianum) writes, "When we have put off the darkness of our mind, repelled the legions of Satan, and wisely cast off all their pomp and service, we confess the faith in God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, and are baptized thereupon.";

This finishes the testimonies respecting baptism which I have been able to find from Cyril of Alexandria. There is certainly nothing contained in them, which in the least resembles infant baptism, nay, everything he says concerning baptism, opposed it. For, when, in the first place, he says that the impurity of all sin is put off, and the old life taken away, it is certainly obvious that he does not speak of the baptism of infants, since they, having no previous impurity of sin, cannot put it off by baptism, and, having never walked in the old life, they cannot forsake it or put it away. When he, secondly, says of the catechumens, that they are baptized, it is certainly also obvious from it, that it does not concern infants, since these have not the qualification of being instructed. The third passage is so clearly opposed to infant baptism, that it requires no explanation, inasmuch as it expressly speaks of confessing the faith on God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, and of being baptized thereupon; for this can never be done by infants in the cradle.


"Cyril, a, celebrated teacher, strenuously opposed the heresy of Nestorius." Again, "Cyril says: 'Antichrist shall come when the time of the Roman Empire shall be fulfilled.'", "The mysteries of the faith ought not to be taught inconsiderately, without the holy Scriptures. If i shall merely tell you these things, without bringing any proof, do not believe me, unless you receive from me proof from holy Scripture; for the salvation of our faith proceeds not from an eloquent recital, but f rom the demonstration of the divine Scriptures." Joh. Polii, fol. 93., "It is necessary that we follow the holy Scriptures, departing in no wise from their precepts." Joh. Polii, fol. 93. Talent hanni., fol. 41.

Cyril, in the 7th book against Valentiman, says also, in regard to spiritual eating,"That at the holy table we must not simply gaze on the bread and wine placed there, or be deceived thereby, but that, with uplifted hearts, we must apprehend by faith, that on this holy table there is also the Lamb which taketh away the sins of the world. This must be apprehended and eaten spiritually, by faith, and not with the hands." Chron., Seb. Franck, fol. 65, idem, Chron. Rom. Kett., fol. 77, col. 2.

Thus Cyril wrote soundly, not only on the matter of baptism, but also respecting the authority of the divine Scriptures, as well as, that the substance of the Supper is not the body and blood of Christ, but bread and wine; and that we must not become deluded thereby, that is, esteem it for more than it is; yet that we must eat the Lamb of God, that is, Christ, by faith, or spiritually.

NOTE.-At this time Cyril taught that those who have died, can add nothing to what they have done; but that they must remain what they are, and await the day of judgment. Lib. 3, on Isaiah. In the Gesldcht-register, page 123.

A. D. 430.-In Bapt. Hist., page 392, quoted from Socrates by Vicecomes, lib. 1, cap. 27, Socrates writes, in the 7th book of.the Church History "A Jew, who was very sick, lying almost at the point of death, desired to be baptized. To this end, he was carried into the church, where the teacher instructed him in the articles of faith, and expounded to him the hope on Christ. And having thus been brought' to baptism on his bed, he was baptized.";

Paige 393, from Vicecomes, lib. 3, cap. 5, he (Socrates) writes (lib. 9, cap. 29. Tripart), "In the city of Alexandria many hastened to holy baptism, and were baptized upon the confession of their sins.

Again (Vicecom.., cap. 6, from Socrates, lib. 7, cap. 17), "A Jew came to Paul, the bishop, and desired to be baptized by him. The latter commended him for his desire, but refused to baptize him until he should be instructed in the doctrine of the faith, and have fasted many days. But the Jew, compelled to fast contrary to the sentiment of his heart, importuned the more eagerly, and begged

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