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Participation of Ukraine in peacekeeping activity is believed to be the one of the substantial constituents of its foreign policy as well as an essential prerequisite for ensuring its national security. Since the proclamation of Ukraine's independence and creation of its Armed Forces, Ukraine has been actively participating in peacekeeping operations. It holds a fitting place in the midst of the ten most significant state-contributors to the UN's peacekeeping activity. Our military contingents have gained high prestige.

Participation in peacekeeping activity under NATO's leadership as well as exercises within the framework of the 'Partnership for Peace' programme enabled military personnel of Ukraine to improve their knowledge in Alliance staff procedures concerning logistics, and command and control. At the same time, perspective to enhance the level of Ukrainian participation in peacekeeping operations puts the demands for peacekeeping units on a permanent basis as well as it requires to review some force training programmes and structures. The experience in participation in peacekeeping operations enables to define problematic issues in the field of achievement interoperability with NATO forces. The ability to augment command and control systems and logistics capabilities should be further improved in a way of introducing interoperable systems for logistics and command and control.


4.s Answer the questions


1. Is it important for our country to participate in peacekeeping operations?

2. What state-contributors to the UN's peacekeeping activity do you know?

3. What is PfP?

4. What experience can our military personnel get in peacekeeping operations?


5. Complete the speech bubbles


1. Participation of Ukraine in __________ activity is believed to be the one of the __________ constituents of its foreign policy as well as an essential __________ for ensuring its national security. 2. Since the proclamation of Ukraine's independence and creation of its __________, Ukraine has been actively participating in peacekeeping __________. 3. At the same time, perspective __________ the level of Ukrainian participation in peacekeeping operations puts the demands for peacekeeping units on a __________ as well as it requires to review some force __________ and structures. 4. The ability __________ command and control systems and __________ capabilities should be further improved in a way of introducing __________ for logistics and command and control.


6.ó ® Discuss these questions in pairs or small groups


1. Should Ukraine continue taking part in peacekeeping operations?

2. Are you going to participate in PSO? Why?


7. Translate words and word combinations into English


Миротворчі операції, держава-контрибутор, “Партнерство заради миру”, тилове забезпечення, набутий досвід, національна безпека, передумова, відповідне місце, військовий контингент, взаємосумісність, розширювати.


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