Студопедия — GRAMMAR EXERCISES. Ex. 1. Write the correct form of the Present Perfect to complete these sentences:
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GRAMMAR EXERCISES. Ex. 1. Write the correct form of the Present Perfect to complete these sentences:

Ex. 1. Write the correct form of the Present Perfect to complete these sentences:

1. …….. to Rome (you ever be)? 2. …….. this film before (I see). 3. …….. in an office (she never work). 4. …….. in an airplane (I never be). 5. …….. to Germany (he ever be)? 6. …….. my parents (you met)?. 7. …….. in the theatre (you ever work)? 8. …….. to all the capital cities of Europe (she be). 9. …….. this book (I read). 10. …….. that new film about aliens (you see)? 11. …….. abroad (we never be). 12. …….. a British policeman before (they never see). 13. …….. in a foreign country (they ever live)? 14. …….. the President (they meet).

Ex. 2. Is 's a short form for is or has?

Model: He's tired. / It's dead. / She's thirsty. (= is).

He's gone. / It's disappeared. / She's left. (= has)

1 He's tired.2 She's worried. 3. She's arrived. 4 He's left the country. 5. It's escaped. 6. She's stopped working. 7. She's ill.8. He's had a cold. 9. He's eaten.

Ex. 3. Make up sentences in Present Perfect using “never”, “a few times”, “a lot of times”:

to swim in the sea to eat cherries to see a rainbow to lose a lot of money to dance with a famous singer
to drink champagne to break an expensive dish to fall in the swimming-pool to win a game of chess to teach a cat to talk


Ex. 4. Write these sentences, putting the verbs into the Present Perfect or Past Simple:

Model: I (read) that book three times. – I' ve read that book three times.

She (go) home three days ago. – She went home three days aqo.

1. I (meet) Mr and Mrs Shelley.

2. She (start) school in 1984.

3. I (leave) the office early last night.

4. He (see) the film before.

5. (You be) to Austria?

6. (You see) the film on TV last night?

7. When (you arrive) in London?

8. John (be) to Germany before.

9. (You read) this book before?

10. I (not see) him yesterday.

11. I never (go) anywhere by plane until now.

12. (You hear) their new record? It's the best they've ever made.

13. I (not know) about the disco last night.

Ex. 5. Write these sentences, putting the verbs into the Past Simple or Past Perfect:

1. They ………. the gates before I ………. there. (lock, get)

2. By the time we ………., the party ………..(arrive, finish)

3. I ………. the shop as soon as I ………. the contents of the box. (ring, check)

4. After we ………. it on the phone, I ………. him a letter about it. (discuss, write)

5. We ………. a good rest when our guests ………..(have, all leave)

6. When she ………. the office this morning, Jim ……….. (ring, already go out)

7. Before we ………. Tim to the theatre, he ………. a stage play. (take, never see).

Ex. 6. Match the phrases in the left column with those in the right column:

I (not finish) the report by Monday and we’ll be able to get a smaller house.
In a couple of years the children (leave) home and it’s needed for Monday morning.
On our next wedding anniversary, I (drive) for fourteen hours
When I get home tonight, I (work) for forty years.
When I retire, we (be) married for twenty-five years.



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