Студопедия — GRAMMAR EXERCISES. Ex. 1. Write the following sentences in Past Continuous and Future Continuous adding necessary adverbs of time:
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GRAMMAR EXERCISES. Ex. 1. Write the following sentences in Past Continuous and Future Continuous adding necessary adverbs of time:

Ex. 1. Write the following sentences in P ast Continuous and Future Continuous adding necessary adverbs of time:

1. What’s his wife doing? 2. He is not packing his things. 3. Are you waiting for your friend? 4. Where are you hurrying to? 5. My friend is staying at a hotel. 6. She is talking to a friend of mine. 7. My daughter is having her French. 8. They are not smoking.

Ex. 2. Answer the following questions paying special attention to the Past Continuous and Future Continuous:

1. Were you doing your homework at 11 yesterday evening?

2. What will you be doing at 3 o’clock tomorrow?

3. Will you be hurrying home after classes?

4. Who were you talking to when I called you?

5. What were you talking about when I came in?

6. Do you know when you’ll be taking your exams this year?

7. Where will you be going for your holidays?

8. Where were you hurrying to when my friend met you?

Ex. 3. Complete the sentences, putting the verbs in the Past Simple or Past Continuous:

1. They ………. for me when I ………. at the station. (wait/arrive)

2. She ………. in the sea when I ………. her. (swim/see)

3. ………. they ………. tennis when it ………. raining. (play/start)

4. She ………. when she ………. the news. (cry/hear)

5. We ………. home from the theatre when the police ………. us. (drive/stop)

6. Everyone ………. quiet when the concert ……….. (go/begin)

7. When she ………. him, he ………. quite ill. (leave/become)

8. You ………. in a restaurant when I first ………. you. (work/meet)

9. I ………. very angry when I ………. the letter. (feel/read)

10. It ………. when I ……….. (rain/get up)

Ex. 4. Complete the sentences using the following prepositions:

down below up next to opposite past along across under between over above behind round in front of

1. Mario’s restaurant is ……… a travel agency.

2. There is a person ……… Mario’s restaurant.

3. There is a dog ……… the ladder.

4. A painter is climbing ……… a ladder.

5. Mario’s restaurant is ……… a hotel called The Red Lion.

6. Someone is running ……… the hotel.

7. There is a beautiful garden ……… the hotel.

8. There is a bus stop ……… the hotel.

9. Mario’s restaurant is ……… the hotel and the launderette.

10. There is a hairdresser’s ……… the launderette.

11. Someone is coming ……… the steps from the hairdresser’s.

12. There are a few people walking ……… the road.

13. Someone is pushing a pram ……… the road.

14. There is a car coming ……… the corner.

15. There is a plane flying ……… the town.

Ex. 5. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences:

1. We haven’t got some/any milk.

2. She arrived in/to Mexico at 2 o’clock.

3. It’s very cold tonight. I think it’s snowing/it’s going to snow soon.

4. Don’t walk/Not walk on the grass.

5. You play tennis very good/very well.

6. Thank you for telling me that. You’re honester/more honest than your brother is.

7. Alice and Mike stay/are staying in a hotel in Berlin this week.

8. I think I’m going to take that picture out off/off the wall.

Ex. 6. Write ten questions about a friend’s trip to London, using the table below. Then choose a short answer for each question:

Was Were the underground trains the weather the streets the people the parks the airports the museums the shops the hotel the food   warm? comfortable? beautiful? friendly? busy? clean? expensive? good? fast? interesting? Yes, it was. No, it wasn’t.   Yes, they were No, they weren’t

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