Студопедия — УПРАЖНЕНИЯ ДЛЯ САМОСТОЯТЕЛЬНОЙ РАБОТЫ. Ответьте на вопросы, используя страдательный залог
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УПРАЖНЕНИЯ ДЛЯ САМОСТОЯТЕЛЬНОЙ РАБОТЫ. Ответьте на вопросы, используя страдательный залог

Упражнение № 1


Ответьте на вопросы, используя страдательный залог. Употребите слова, данные в скобках.

  1. Where are the catalogues usually sent? (to our customers).
  2. When was the personnel trained? (6 months ago).
  3. When will the retailers be phoned? (next week).
  4. When will the prices be reduced? (at the end of the year)
  5. When was the matter taken up? (yesterday)
  6. What terms were accepted? (FOB terms)
  7. Whose engineers are more qualified? (Sony’s)
  8. Why wasn’t the 1st lot dispatched in November? (because of weather conditions)


Упражнение № 2


Скажите, что действие, выраженное глаголом, стоящим в скобках, произошло раньше

(Past Perfect), чем действие в данном вам предложении (Past Simple).


Следуйте образцу: …, then called Brown & Co.(She, study quotations)

She had studied quotations, then called Brown & Co.


  1. …, then went on business to London. (He, get the instructions)
  2. …, then delivered our goods.(We, sign the contract)
  3. …, then sent their offer for compressions. (They, received our enquiry)
  4. …, then agreed to give us a 2 % discount.(The sales manager, clarify the terms)
  5. …, then made an appointment with Mr Dunn. (He, come back from the meeting)
  6. …, then switched off the computer.(She, reserve the accommodation)
  7. …, then they started deliveries.(We, guarantee payment for collection)
  8. …, then left the office.(The engineer, check the documents)
  9. …, then the customers arrived.(The managers, clarify some business matters)
  10. …,then agreed to place a larger order. (The market manager, study the price list)



Упражнение № 3


Передайте нижеследующие утверждения в косвенной



1. The manager told the secretary, “Phone the subsidiary at once “.

2. The customers asked the Sellers, “ Please, do not delay the goods “.

3. The Buyers insisted,” We have made all the calculations.”

4. The economists said,” Your discount is too small for such a big order.”

5. Mr Blake stated,” This model is easy in operation.”

6. She said,” I have finished the test, so I am leaving tomorrow.”

7. She said,”The train stops at every station.”

8. The manager said, “I will sign the contract tomorrow.”



Упражнение № 4


Перепишите следующие предложения, употребляя конструкцию «сложное дополнение» (Complex Object) вместо придаточных дополнительных предложений.


Следуйте образцу: I didn’t expect that she would forget to call the partners. ---I didn’t expect her to forget to call the partners.


1. The Research & Development Department expects that the economists will make calculations as soon as possible.

2. The Director wants that the trainees will do the computer course in May.

3. Did you see that he was looking through enquiries?

4. The board expects that you will cancel the meeting.

5. We watch how the inspectors are testing the equipment.

6. The secretary noticed that the engineers entered their office on the first floor.

7. The chief manager wanted that his personal assistant would reserve 3 tickets for a non-stop train.

8. Have you seen that he filled the form?

9. I heard that he mentioned the organization structure of that company.


Упражнение № 5


Выполните упражнение, выбрав правильный вариант

1. Our partners are pleased as the goods… without any delay.

a) were dispatched b) was dispatched c) will be dispatched

2. The mail … every morning.

a) is delivered b) delivered c) is delivering

3. … she send the order last week? -Yes, the order … last week.

a) is, will be sent b) did, was sent c) was, is sent

4. Their staff … better than ours.

a) to train b) is trained c) training

5. When … they check the equipment? – It … in an hour.

a) are, was checked b) will, will be checked c) were, is checked

6. Voronin stressed that it … their usual price.

a) is b) were c) was

7. Yesterday we … the calculations by the beginning of the talks.

a) were making b) made c) had made

8. The secretary … the report before the director’s arrival.

a) had prepared b) is preparing c) prepares

9. I didn’t want her … the project.

a) setting up b) was setting up c) to set up

10. She … the mail, then … the customers.

a) sort out, called b) had sorted out, call c) had sorted out, called

11. Mr Petrov heard the inspectors … the tests.

a) discussing b) to discuss c) discussed

12. The management would like the personnel … responsible.

a) to be b) were c) have been

13. The marketing manager told the customers that their new model … a great success.

a) is b) being c) had been

14. … you … the talks by 6 o’ clock yesterday?

a) had completed b) have completed c) did complete

15. He saw the staff … on their computers.

a) worked b) to work c) working

Дата добавления: 2015-09-19; просмотров: 382. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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