Студопедия — Переведите. Объясните почему используется Present Simple или Present Continuous.
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Переведите. Объясните почему используется Present Simple или Present Continuous.

1. The Leclerc hypermarket empire is continuing its expansion in Poland. The Leclercs want a return on their investment in the near future but know that success depends on developing Polish expertise. At the moment 90% of the shares belong to the French but the management is already local.

2. Renault is closing its car plant at Setubal in Portugal despite a long-term agreement made in 1980. The factory manufactures the Clio model, whose production cycle will end in 1997.

3. Pepsi Cola is launching a blue can for its famous drink in an effort to fight the dominance of Coca-Cola, which sells twice as much cola worldwide.

4. The Banco di Napoli is looking for buyers for the two newspapers which it owns after it made a net loss of L3,160 billion ($1.99bn) in 1995.

5. Dutch brewing giant Heineken is starting a major marketing campaign in Russia despite the country's strict rules on advertising. Russian law forbids the advertising of any alcoholic drink on electronic media.

6. The number of wealthy individuals in the world is increasing. However, private banking is coming increasingly competitive as more and more banks are offering special services for the rich.


4. Поставьте глагол в правильную форму. Обратите внимание на глаголы, не используемые в Present Continuous.

1. Now the company ____ (continue) its expansion into Central and Eastern Europe.

2. At the moment we ____ (own) three subsidiaries in other countries.

3. They normally ___ (manufacture) the XY10 model in Spain only but demand is so high at the moment that they ___ (produce) it in Italy.

4. Our industry ___ (become) increasingly competitive.

5. At the moment 51% of the shares ___ (belong) to the Government.

6. We ___ (think) of opening an office in Munich.


Раскройте скобки, используя Present Simple и Present Continuous.

  1. Tom /have/ a shower at the moment.
  2. They /not, watch/ television very often.
  3. Listen. Somebody /sing/.
  4. She is tired. She /want/ to go home now.
  5. How often /you, read/ a newspaper?
  6. Excuse me, but you /sit/ in my place.
  7. I am sorry, I /not, understand/. Please speak more slowly.
  8. ‘Where are you, Roy?’ ‘I am in the sitting room. I /read/.
  9. What time /she, finish/ work every day?
  10. You can turn the radio. I /not, listen/ to it.
  11. He /not, usually, drive/ to work. He usually /walk/.
  12. ‘Can you help me for a minute?’ ‘I am sorry, I /work/.
  13. /you, work/ on Saturdays?
  14. How many languages /you, speak/?
  15. Why /you, wear/ a sweater? It is not cold.
  16. My father /always, go/ to Ireland in August.
  17. Robert /play/ football most weekends.
  18. ‘Where is Lucy?’ ‘She /shop/.
  19. ‘What /you, eat/?’ ‘Chocolate.’
  20. I would like to go home. It /get/ dark.
  21. The Scots /make/ the best whisky in the world.
  22. Italians /drink/ more wine than English people.
  23. ‘What /do/?’ ‘I am practicing the guitar.’




Intentions and plans.


"I hear you won the lottery. What are you going to do with the money?" - "I'm going to buy a new car." They are going to develop a new product next month. We're going to discuss the distribution costs at the next meeting. He's going to work in the Marketing Department for six months. What is he going to do when he leaves college? I’m not going to write to her, she's coming here next week. "When are you going to interview the new candidates?" - "I'm going to see all of them on Tuesday."

"What is the company going to do next year?” - "They're going to open a new factory in Turkey but they're not going to close the Manchester one.

Predicting future events from the present situation.


Look at those black clouds. It’s going to rain soon.

We've tested the prototype and we're going to make some changes.

Look at the way that man is driving! He's going to have an accident.

They’re going to lose business, because they are so late with deliveries.

I feel terrible. I think I’m going to be sick.

Have you seen these sales figures! Our end-of-year results are going to

be fantastic.


Составьте предложения, используя going to.

I. I/ work / on the production report.

2. He / play / tennis on Saturday.

3. What / you / do / tomorrow evening?

4. What / he / say / to the customers about the delay?

5. When / you / read / the report?

6. What kind / computer / they / buy?

Дата добавления: 2015-09-19; просмотров: 945. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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