Студопедия — Test on the video film. Task I. Before watching the film, make sure you know the following words and word combinations: - consequence - delegation - diversity -
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Test on the video film. Task I. Before watching the film, make sure you know the following words and word combinations: - consequence - delegation - diversity -

A. Previewing task.

Task I. Before watching the film, make sure you know the following words and word combinations:

- consequence - delegation - diversity - non-performance - over-delegating - promotion - recognition - complex and challenging tasks - fragile method of influence - expert power - group power - identification power - Pinocchio effect - rapid decision-making - tools of effective management - consistent - temporary - to cause problems - to distribute authority - to diversify - to fail to use power - to gain power - to influence - to misinterpret - to overstep authority - to rebel


B. While watching.

Task II. Match the words with their definitions:

1. influence a) a right to act, given by law, rule or official position

2. power b) giving to staff a greater degree of authority

3. authority c) an effect on smb or smth without the use of direct force

4. delegation d) delegating a limited amount of authority

5. centralization e) giving a part of one’s power to smb else for some time

6. decentralization f) a position that gives smb the ability or power to control

Task III. Fill in the missing words and expressions from the box:

influence decentralized gain power authority capacity needs rebel corporate structure fragile method centralized power reward

1. People struggle and fight to … and they fight even harder to keep what they have.

2. Power in the managerial world or the organization is based on the … of the leader to control the means of satisfying or dissatisfying the … of workers and to … the employees.

3. The power of institutional authority is often a very … of influence as when the members of the institution …, the legal authority can be crashed.

4. In … organizations the right to make decisions is reserved to the highest level of the ….

5. … organizations permit decisions to be made at the lowest level of management.

6. …, … and … are the vital tools of effective management.


Task IV. Complete a list with the aspects of power. One aspect is given here:

a) promotion






Task V. A company’s decision “to centralize or decentralize” is based on a number of factors. Choose the factors that should be taken into consideration:

- basic philosophy of management

- size of the organization

- salary of top managers

- level of the organization development

- corporate culture

- delegation of responsibilities and authorities

- diversity of the company’s activities

- relationships within the organization

- skills of the manager

- staffing levels


Task VI. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. Some people have lots of power, some have none at all, some have had too much of it, some people never seem to get enough.

2. To have power is to be able to influence, to change the behaviour or attitude of another person or group.

3. The relationship between institutional authority – which is the right to influence behaviour, and power – the capacity to do so, is very complex.

4. Inexperienced individuals are usually not given authority, for the consequences of bad decisions can be expensive or dangerous.

5. The subordinate’s right to act for the manager is temporary, lasting for the duration of the task assigned. The authority should be equal to the requirements of the task.

6. Both managers and subordinates need to understand clearly how much authority is being delegated in order to avoid misunderstanding and non-performance.

7. To be successful, managers need to exercise influence to affect the actions of others. Understanding the relationship between influence, power and authority and using each one correctly are among the first skills a manager has to develop.


C. Follow-up activities.

Task VII. Answer the following questions basing on the information from the film:

1. What forms of power are there? Give your comments on each of them.

2. What problems can be caused by questions of power, authority and influence?

3. What are the advantages of centralized authority and key factors of decentralized one?

4. What is the role of delegation in the company? What problems can it lead to?


Дата добавления: 2015-08-12; просмотров: 308. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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